Monday, January 4, 2010

The first official day of 2010

The kids are back at school, Scott's back at work, we have regular garbage pickup and mail delivery and I'm still out of work. Yup, aaaaall back to normal.

Resolutions you ask? Did I make any? Nope, as most of you know, I never make them. They are broken way too easily and that's an instant setup for disappointment. I love myself way to much to spend time upset over something I've done (which is inevitable) so I just don't even make them. I do have mental suggestions on how I'd like to behave in any given year like eat better and follow my Flylady tasks more thoroughly but that's it. Maybe I'd like to exercise over the winter a bit too just so I'm good and ready for dragonboat practice in the spring. But none of it is written in stone. Because the day I eat a whole sleeve of saltines, kick a sock under the bed or spend the day in my pjs, I don't want to feel like I've failed myself.

That said, did you make any resolutions? What are they? Do you plan to keep them? How? Are you broken-hearted when you blow them? I'm just curious...


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