Saturday, January 2, 2010

Imambara-Lucknow The City of Navabs

One of the greatest building of all time Imambara is built by Asaf-ud-daulah, Nawab of Lucknow, in 1784.
According to reports, the famine continued for over a decade and the construction of the building continued for this time. It is said that ordinary people used to work in the day building up the edifice, while noblemen and other elite were called at night to break down all the structure raised, as they were incapable of doing anything else, according to a chronicle of the period. This see-saw efforts continued till the famine period was over.
The replicas of tombs dedicated to the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and his family members. His family members are known as Ahl-ul-Bait. Imams are the religious heads of Shiite Islam who are connected to Prophet by blood. Most of the original tombs are located in different towns of Iraq and some in Saudi Arabia and Iran. Although all the Muslims love Prophet and his family members, Shiite Muslims have a special zeal for them. Imambara have a special place in the hearts of Shiite Muslims and is the seat of most of the meetings, gatherings and Azadari congregation. Bada Imambara is also the venue for annual Mohharum gathering that is staged to commemorate and lament the martyr hood of Imam Hussein, the grandson of Prophet Muhammad.

There are as many as eight surrounding chambers built to different roof heights, permitting the space above these to be reconstructed as a three-dimensional labyrinth with passages interconnecting with each other through 489 identical doorways. This part of the building, known as is a popular attraction, and often the whole complex may be referred to as the Bhul-Bhulayah. It is possibly the only existing maze in India and came about unintentionally to support the weight of the building, constructed on marshy land.

The Bara Imambara is known for its incredible maze called Bhulbhulaiya. This is located in the upper floor of the monument. A stairway leads to this level. One can view a scenic panorama of the city from the top of this monument, which is absolutely breath-taking. The Bhulbhulaiya is a must see and the best way to find your way out without getting lost is by hiring a guide. It is said that great treasures are hidden in the secret tunnels of this maze. The monument remains open from morning 6am to evening 5pm.

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