Tuesday, May 31, 2011

derrick rose mvp jersey

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  • gorgeousninja
    Apr 21, 09:29 AM
    Choosing icons that have taken on universal meanings and thus are similar, is quite a bit different from direct copying, of which we see none.

    The closest ones in that group are probably the phones, and yet if you search for a phone icon on the web, or even on cell phone buttons, probably a quarter of them are slanted. Moreover, green is an extremely common color for the primary phone button, which is why Apple chose it themselves.

    The use of rounded square icon backgrounds is a bit more damning, but still a style choice. Also, Apple's has a shadow and my Fascinate doesn't have the rounded square on most anyway.

    Btw, I have noticed that Apple hasn't tried to claim ownership of the twirling wait symbol, but a lot of us were using that before they were.

    I think Apple might have much better luck showing that the Galaxy phone shape greatly resembles the 3GS.

    ooh i was just waiting for that magical term 'generic' that we always hear about after another 'copy' comes along. 'Style choices' is a classic, are you a politician?

    "Hey look at how well designed that iPhone is I think I'll make a few 'style choices' and copy every single one of their icons..then have my lawyers deem them all generic".

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  • jaxstate
    Aug 11, 10:57 AM
    That would be awesome.
    It seems to me that there may be two phones coming here. I wouldn't be surprised if one has a full keyboard, either on touchscreen or using conventional buttons, and one is simpler.

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  • PetMac
    Aug 27, 03:38 PM
    Long live PBG5NT. It reminds us how great it is to have frequent updates and powerful portables again.

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  • omgwut
    Aug 7, 01:22 PM
    There's nowhere that I can view a live video webcast of the event, is there?..

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  • moooosedude
    Jul 20, 08:27 AM
    The Mactopus??

    So I was just in the office workin on my new Mactopus...


    Hey honey! I just dropped 3K on our new Mactopus!

    ...It could be very fun.


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  • anim8or
    Apr 12, 01:17 AM
    I use ProRes for almost everything, so this doesn't bother me.

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  • This new Derrick Rose MVP

  • phelix_da_kat
    Aug 11, 10:15 AM
    What OS will the iPhone be running? :confused:
    If people want a Treo replacement, you are going to have top consider:
    1. calendar - hopefully you can port over Palm to iCal
    2. contacts - to Mail/Address book
    3. will there be a keyboard - personally I send a lot of mail/texts so would want to keep the "thumb-board" ;)

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  • derrick rose mvp jersey.

  • MrCrowbar
    Jul 20, 08:25 AM
    Would be a very long keynote too:

    - release date of 10.5 revealed - possibly more stuff revealed
    - new software (considerable update to iWork if the rumours are true)
    - iMac/MacBook updates
    - iPod/iTunes stuff

    And one more thing: The Auad PowerMac has been the fastest Mac until today. I present to you the new Octa Mac Pro!"

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  • AidenShaw
    Jul 14, 11:22 PM
    top heavy is just idiotic.
    Has anyone noticed that three or four disk drives actually weigh a lot more than a power supply?

    Especially a modern power supply! (Those Apple IIfx supplies had a lot of iron - but today a 600watt supply is pretty light.)

    Get a life (and an IEC 90° cord) and forget whining about power supply top or bottom.

    Worrying about "Top heavy" is simply nonsense - I have top PS systems and bottom PS systems, and "top heaviness" has never been an issue - the centre of gravity of my systems is usually determined by the number, capacity, and location of the disks.

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  • jmgregory1
    Mar 22, 04:01 PM
    I can assure that doubling the 256MB of the first iPad is not enough for people that need a lot of multitask, like me.

    I don't need to own an iPad 2.
    The competitors have 1GB RAM, iPad 2 has 512MB.

    It's simple: Apple is always behind hardware-wise because they like to priorize esthetics and appearance (besides the "so wonderful OS" ad). It's been this way for Macs, it seems to be the same way for iPads.

    Android phones are selling more than iPhone.
    iPhone has started a market, competitors are improving it.
    iPad has started a market, competitors are improving it.

    If you just can't recognize how multitask works better with 1GB RAM and true background apps (QNX, Honeycomb), then you deserve to use a limited thing like an iPad.

    I've only bought the first iPad because there were no competitors at that time (and I hate netbooks), but now things are different. To be honest, A LOT different.

    People said that the iPhone was going to be the best phone out there, but the market is showing something different.
    People say the iPad is the best tablet out there, but it seems that the market is going to show something different.

    There are 2 sides: Apple fanboys and realistic people.

    I like products, not brands.

    This is a simple look at a complex process. Adding more ram may be good in a system that doesn't control app usage well, but it's something completely different when the system can control for app processes. If you have a product that works perfectly well with a certain spec, is there a need to add more of a certain thing? What benefit does it offer? Apple is a smart company - why build more cost into hardware if you can make your software make up any potential shortcomings in hardware?

    Of course the competition has to market its products as being different in some way compared to Apple and convince you, the buying public, that it means something to have double this or less of that.

    Frankly, I think these companies should be trying to come up with the next thing - instead of just trying to compete against the iPad - but they won't do that. They'll wait until Apple releases the next new thing and just copy that. It's pitiful really.

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  • Chicago Bulls and league MVP

  • yoak
    Aug 11, 02:05 PM
    I�ll buy one. It�s a while untill I have to upgrade my Ericsson, so maybe around that time.
    great to only have to carry one item as opposed to ipod AND phone.
    My Ericsson is a walkman phone, and dosen�t work to well with mac. iTuneMyPhone saved the day though, at least with this little script I can transfer songs onto it.

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  • benthewraith
    Nov 28, 08:18 PM
    I haven't read all the post as yet, got to around post #50 but my sentiments pretty much reflect those of most posters.

    However, if there is evidence that a bulk of the royalty (and I mean more than 50%) will go to artists then I can see justification in the process (but it should not be a flat $1 per device as the cost/profit of devices varies). But at the same time, Apple should get a higher share of the 99c per track as I believe the money they get per song pretty much only covers there management of the stored data and hosting on iTunes with very little profit per song - and this is understandable as Apple can leverage the iTunes store to drive iPod sales.

    If the record companies want a profitable piece of Apple’s pie (no pun intended) then Apple should be entitled to a profitable piece of the 99c download.

    Same logic me thinks…

    It won't happen. The way I see it, Apple stands a greater chance of being forced to raise it's prices on the store.

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  • kdarling
    Mar 31, 04:16 PM
    Yet what he said is 100% accurate..Weird how that can happen sometimes.

    Gruber is rarely accurate in his conclusions, and this time is no exception.

    None of what is happening smacks of being a "bait-and-switch" as he claims. That would've required extremely clever pre-planning years ago on the part of Google.

    Instead, it's got all the hallmarks of too little pre-planning.

    Anyone with experience dealing with large projects can see that Rubin has belatedly come to realize that things were getting out of control. Now he is goofing up trying to take full control himself instead of doing the smart thing and first getting a consensus from the OHA members.

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  • shawnce
    Sep 13, 11:48 AM
    Yes, that's true.

    It's also true that most of the time, most people aren't even maxing out ONE core never mind eight.

    And when they do, their program won't get any faster unless it's multithreaded and able to run on multiple cores at once.

    Lets not forget things like Spotlight that can now run more rigorously without affecting CPU resource much. You will get more intelligent software that can prepare for what you want to do so that when you go to do it it will be much more responsive. In other words just because some tasks cannot be easily broken up to leverage multiple cores doesn't mean that tasks such as those cannot be speculative run by software on idle cores in preparation for you doing the task.

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  • Tomaz
    Aug 7, 05:46 PM
    ok, to say something good about this preview: ichat looks great! Really looking forward to that! :)

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  • wschutz
    Mar 26, 08:19 AM
    Um, there's only been one release since leopard. Too soon to know if Lion will wow or not.

    I'll save you a headache... it will.. not
    Apple has realized it can squeeze people's pocket as much as it wants... for that reason, it is releasing a couple of features (and still not with the latest technology as expected) as new products... from time to time... Apple includes something innovative (such as Thunderbolt though given that no other manufacturer is developing the standard it is kind of useless...).

    Therefore, I do not expect anything else from Apple. Lion will be just a mere touch of make-up and a few changes towards making the experience of the newest and most profitable business of Apple... AppStore. So people will be buying a better integration of a application store with the OS...
    (And no... integrating Spaces, Expos�, Dashboard and including some of the things from iOS is not worth a new OS... at least Microsoft, and I hate it, does a complete overhaul of everything; sometimes it fails, and sometimes it succeeds)

    NB: For those English native speakers... which is the best subject when addressing a company, for instance, Apple/Microsoft...? I used "it" here, but sometimes I also use "they"... and I don't know which one is correct!

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  • derrick rose mvp jersey.

  • rosalindavenue
    Jul 28, 06:11 AM
    I am waiting until the new MBP is released with merom. I don't care if it's now or in January.

    My question is: What's the fastest way to get the new MBP into my hands? Is ordering it online after it's announcement the fastest, or going to an apple store?

    I live within 3 stores. So I can play the call and place one on hold bit.

    I'd think you would have a better chance to get one fast with the stores. I don't live near one and I ordered an ibook last August when it was upgraded-- even with expedited shipping it still took 10 days to arrive from China. (Apple refunded the expedited shipping fee).

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  • derrick rose mvp jersey.

  • LagunaSol
    Apr 19, 10:43 PM
    For that matter, people say that Apple ripped off their bookshelf from Delicious Library. Which itself took it from who knows where.

    Probably from an actual bookshelf. ;)

    I totally forgot about that! What a joke. Apple has become the king of hypocrites. And they copied the Apple logo from the Beatle's Apple Records.

    Have you actually seen the Apple Records logo? Apparently not.

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  • amccune
    Apr 12, 09:13 AM
    I think the User's Group meeting isn't until 4:30, so we are in for a wait...

    Apr 14, 01:54 AM
    My fianc� and I have been holding out since our first gen iPhones. This is a true bummer. I feels it's true. :(

    Mar 26, 12:07 AM
    i wonder if apple will release a version in the app store???They should.

    Mar 1, 12:01 AM
    Yes, I did agree with that post. What is your point?
    Heterosexuality is by definition normal (conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected). What percentage of the population is homosexual, what percentage is heterosexual?

    Humans by default have four fingers and a thumb on each hand. Am I being mean to people with more or fewer fingers? No, just stating a fact.

    You know how stupid that argument is? You are comparing physical defects to a different mental state. Physiologically, gay people are not any bit different from straight people. (IE one identical twin gay, one not cases...)

    Here is a much closer analog to your view:

    "I hate you for liking the color yellow. Your views are sick and your practice of having yellow things in your home is sick and wrong and immoral. A three thousand year old book written by some uneducated shepperds told me that people who like the color yellow are going to burn in Hell because someone hates them."

    Do you see just how stupid this whole thing is?

    Apr 28, 03:50 PM
    I wonder what it would be like to go through life looking for racism around every corner? Constantly seeing the world in these glasses would have to be very tiresome and frustrating. Pretty sad really. People need to stop thinking about themselves and others as being members of groups, and start thinking of everyone as individuals. We're a society of individuals, we get our rights and our liberties as individuals, not because we're part of group A or group B.

    If liberals would stop 'crying wolf' ('claiming racism') at every corner, we might actually take them seriously and help out when there's actual evidence.

    Mar 22, 02:30 PM
    Display playbook = 7"

    Display iPad = 9.7"

    That's not half the size.

    And before calling out irony, "your maths" has an 's' at the end. Thanks for playing.


    Way to not understand "numbers". BTW, "maths" is British, "math" is American English.

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