Tuesday, May 31, 2011

wiz khalifa no sleep single cover

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  • FreeState
    Mar 2, 09:54 PM
    Why is most straight people assume that gay people do all those? I'm gay and I don't do a thing in that article. I know.. I'm boring but hey that's not the point.

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  • dethmaShine
    Apr 12, 03:11 PM


    And that's not good.

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  • album wiz khalifa no sleep

  • maclaptop
    Apr 12, 07:51 AM
    Maybe they need to wait in order to get 28/32nm A5 chips. No point in having an iPhone 5 with a 3 hour battery life

    Or maybe their waiting while the new antenna engineers they hired try and convince Steve to leave them alone to do their job.

    They want to put the antenna inside where it belongs.

    Jobs ego can't handle it.

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  • wiz khalifa no sleep album

  • gnasher729
    Jul 27, 05:37 PM
    This is a positively thoughtless remark. No one's cheering the MHz myth on, in fact, Intel itself has abandoned the concept. Until the 3Ghz woodies get dropped in a MacPro, the 2.7 GHZ G5 will still be the fastest chip ever put in a Macintosh.

    Assuming that you are talking about clock speed, there have been Macs running at over 3 GHz, just not for sale to the public. The Intel machines that were shipped to developers after WWDC 2005 had 3.4 GHz Pentium IVs.

    wiz khalifa no sleep single cover. “The third single on there is
  • “The third single on there is

  • Virtualball
    Apr 19, 02:13 PM
    According to Wikipedia It was released in Feb before the iPhone was released..

    Please stop spreading FUD. If you knew anything about the history of the iPhone, you would know that it was announced and previewed at MacWorld 2007. That means they showed the world the interface, the phone, and most of the features in January 2007.

    Also, http://gizmodo.com/#!234901/samsung-f700-smartphone-looks-awfully-familiar

    "Samsung is also trying to one up its competitor [link leads to Apple] with one specific feature... a slide out full-QWERTY keyboard."

    Seriously, this is all FUD.

    wiz khalifa no sleep single cover. album wiz khalifa no sleep
  • album wiz khalifa no sleep

  • solarguy17
    Apr 6, 01:29 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I wonder if that accounts for the fact that people access the store with the demos at stores.
    When I played with one at BB I acessed the store and dl'd a free app to see it actually in action.

    wiz khalifa no sleep single cover. The single “No Sleep,”
  • The single “No Sleep,”

  • RedTomato
    Aug 11, 08:26 PM
    I probably won't buy a phone without GPS capabilities. I will pay for the option, however.

    Why not just ring someone and ask where you are? Or wait for the guy on the seat next to you to ring his girlfriend?

    wiz khalifa no sleep single cover. quot;No Sleepquot; is a single that
  • quot;No Sleepquot; is a single that

  • grue
    Apr 11, 08:39 PM
    Overreact much? FCP hasn't even been announced and your company is already talking about jumping ship? I call b.s. I'm in LA and I haven't heard anyone talking about switching anything. What needed features do you need that don't already exist?

    How about using more than one bloody core to render a timeline or do an export to the eternally-broken Compressor?

    How about properly recognizing file attributes on import?


    �QMaster having better than coin-flip reliability?

    �better R3D support (as well as other cameras)?


    etc etc

    wiz khalifa no sleep single cover. wiz khalifa no sleep single
  • wiz khalifa no sleep single

  • iJohnHenry
    Mar 23, 11:46 AM
    Some called them 'the coalition of the billing' because so many members were paid off in some way.

    For the Brits, that would be 'the coalition of the shilling'. :p

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  • wiz khalifa no sleep single

  • 61132
    Aug 7, 08:22 PM
    gosh, the finder looks the same :( I dont want the brushed metal anywhere anymore!! Also, they should just integrate address book/ical/mail into one app!!!

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  • wiz khalifa no sleep single.

  • alent1234
    Mar 23, 10:04 AM
    If you ever used one of the LG phones or the numerous Japanese keitai's of that time then you'd know, that even though they were cutting edge for the time, they were still nowhere near being 'smartphones'.

    Terrible UI with endless menu's, confusing icons, and new features randomly bolted on.

    No matter how much the petty minded haters want to see it, the truth is that Apple made a quantum leap forward with the iPhone, and some people ought to be a little less bitter and more thankful for it.

    the big thing with the original iphone was a good web browser. the 3G was the first one that was really worth buying.

    apple had so much problems developing the iphone that just like the ipad they put a weak device out to market for version 1 and spent another year finishing it

    wiz khalifa no sleep single cover. Wiz Khalifa#39;s #39;No Sleep#39;
  • Wiz Khalifa#39;s #39;No Sleep#39;

  • JAT
    Mar 23, 12:05 AM
    It came out at $600, which many thought made some sense (http://www.engadget.com/2010/10/20/editorial-why-the-galaxy-tabs-price-makes-sense/) considering it had 3G and GPS. I bought one myself.

    I think you're right, now it's as low as $400 on contract. (Heck, it's only $250 right now on T-Mobile (http://www.samsung.com/us/mobile/galaxy-tab/SGH-T849ZKATMB).)
    They (Samsung) probably make more on the subsidized units than the others at this point.

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  • wiz khalifa no sleep album

  • Unspeaked
    Sep 19, 12:30 PM
    All you people trying to make us feel like complete morons for waiting and wanting a new (AND BETTER) chip, what's wrong with you?! Did you just buy a MBP and feel the need to piss on everyone that is about to get a beter machine than you? Or is it just PMS or some other hormonal condition?

    As I said earlier in this thread, Playstation was far from first to market.

    Video game systems aside, what the people saying "quit complaining about Apple's lack of a C2D notebook" are driving at is that more than once, someone posts something along the lines of, "Man, I needed a new laptop three months ago for my school project - I've been slaving away on my PowerBook 1400 waiting for the new MacBookPro Painted Aluminum C2D... but there's no way I'm going to give Apple the satisfaction of caving in now!" when in reality, they time they would have saved in the past three months alone using the Intel machine over the PPC machine, not posting 12x a day asking when the Core2Duo laptops are out, etc, etc would be more than enough to make up for the measly 10% real world performance increase they'll get for a machine that's already missed 3 or 4 rumor announcement dates and has no guarantee of being out in the next month!

    wiz khalifa no sleep single cover. album wiz khalifa no sleep
  • album wiz khalifa no sleep

  • iPhysicist
    Apr 27, 08:48 AM
    This is a lie

    Keeping a database of our general location is logging our location. :mad: Does Apple really think this double talk, where they say they keep a database of location but don't log the location is going to fly?

    At least our overlord will now, I hope, stop collecting location data when location services are turned off. It's a disgrace that it took a media storm to shame them into action.

    Apple knows where you live ;) They go straight for your door if they want to deliver the "facepalm award" for stupid big-brother talk.

    I really would like to know if you are just fooling me with a sort of sarcasm I can't understand since I am no native speaker...

    ...but then again I want my phone to know where it is actually - makes calls much easier and just possible.

    Everyone knows how not lose his/her purse, so learn how you not lose your phone and your location is secure - until the surveillance cameras get you. But again there is help - just remember not to look into the cameras. Comes in handy during armed robberies too.

    wiz khalifa no sleep single cover. wiz khalifa no sleep single.
  • wiz khalifa no sleep single.

  • cbronfman
    Apr 11, 06:35 PM
    I'm with the other 3GS posters who hoped to be able to upgrade in June when our phones will be 2 years old (and showing their age for a tech product). I can wait until September (well, I'll have to as I don't want an iP4 which will be a year old by then). If something goes awry with my 3GS I'll have a problem as I don't want to be locked into a contract with AT&T buying a iP4 a year after it was released, and my iPhone 2G (original) has no GPS so some of the functionality I rely on will be gone). Maybe I'll schedule a genius bar check-up for my 3GS before my Apple Care expires. I don't expect LTE although it woudl be nice. I do hope for 3G+, dual core processor, improved antenna (although the signal strength on the IP4 is much stronger than on the 3GS) and thinner would be nice. I'd also really like it to be like the iPad2 with the GSM version able to work on other GSM networks by a quick change in SIM card and not locked to AT&T for those that travel a lot abroad or to Canada.

    wiz khalifa no sleep single cover. Buy Wiz Khalifa Album @
  • Buy Wiz Khalifa Album @

  • RebootD
    Mar 25, 11:47 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_0 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7A341 Safari/528.16)

    If this is a standard $129 upgrade I don't see anything here worth that price sadly. That is unless somehow my 2009 mac pro will run 2x as fast but I am not keeping my fingers crossed.

    wiz khalifa no sleep single cover. wiz khalifa no sleep single.
  • wiz khalifa no sleep single.

  • Gugulino
    Apr 6, 01:00 PM
    The quality of a blu ray film is superior to all forms of digital distribution over the internet, like iTunes for example and it is a huge improvement over DVD. I can't understand why people still stick with DVD. Like Apple! Macs have no blu ray disc tray, only DVD. I can not understand that!
    When you have all these great HD Camcorders and great movie editing software on a Mac why you should burn a DVD and loose most of the quality. Sure, you can upload HD movies to YouTube or Vimeo directly from iMovie, but it is not the same quality as, if you would burn a blu ray. At least the Mac Pro should have an option for a blu ray disc tray and DVD Studio Pro should support blu ray authoring.
    I hope Apple will do a step in this direction with the new FC Studio.

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  • wiz khalifa no sleep cover art

  • Bill McEnaney
    Apr 27, 12:54 PM
    Where's the extremism?
    Would you call someone a moderate when he would leave a baby alone in a room to die after the baby had survived an abortion? Most people here already know that I'm against the stimulus and against "gay" rights. As for the stimulus packages, Ford just reported a profit, and that company refused the stimulus money. If a company is going to fail let it do that. Let it take responsibility for its own blunders. Don't let a codependent government rescue it. If John Huntsman, Sr. ran for President, I'd vote instantly for him, partly because he's one of the most honest men I know of. My first question about a potential presidential candidate is, How morally virtuous is he? For me to vote for a candidate, he needs to be conservative fiscally and socially, especially socially.

    I think that social conservatism implies, or should imply, fiscal conservatism. I say that partly because I believe Obama's statist policies would have the U.S. Government take moral responsibilities that individuals should take instead. I advocate the principle of subsidiarity that tells me that a problem should be solved by the people who are closest to it. If I need help, I first go to my family. If my family can't help me, I go to me friends. If my friends can't help me, I ask my neighbors for help, etc. Government should be a last resort.

    wiz khalifa no sleep single cover. wiz khalifa no sleep single.
  • wiz khalifa no sleep single.

  • StealthRider
    Aug 26, 03:59 PM
    Old, but still funny. A little :p

    Apr 29, 12:46 PM
    So what? Who said liberals never partake in name calling? You claimed that liberals do more name calling. You want me to go dig out examples of name-calling done by conservative voices such as Limbaugh, Beck, etc.?

    I should add Trump to that list to keep this somewhat on track with the subject of this thread.

    Hey now don't go and try to get this thread back on track! ;)

    You could, cite name-calling examples on both sides but it really shouldn't be about who started it, or who does it more; really it should be more about ending it and talking about the issues... but then we'd be in danger of actually progressing.

    Jul 14, 03:55 PM
    So why use woodcrest WITHOUT dual processor configuration? Makes no sense, any single proc models should be conroe.
    4M of L2 cache is another good reason. According to recent reports, only the "extreme edition" of the Core 2 (aka Conroe) chip will have 4M. And it will cost more than Woodcrest.
    Macs have ALREADY had two optical bays (including twin CD drives). And none of these configs include two drives, you'd only have a second one if you wanted it.
    Where have you been shopping recently? Only one model PowerMac has ever had two optical drive bay.

    The MDD G4 PowerMac towers (August 2002-June 2004) have two optical drive bays. The G4 PowerMacs that came before only have one (the lower bay is only big enough for floppy-size devices, like zip drives.) The G5 PowerMacs only have one externally-accessible bay of any size.

    I would love the ability to install two optical drives, but your claim that Apple is currently shipping this somewhere is simply not true.

    Mar 22, 02:17 PM
    I hear that the PlayBook is really easy to hold one-handed. If you know what I mean.

    it un-nerves me that I think I do! :)

    Jul 20, 12:05 PM
    double post, my apologies.

    Apr 6, 11:43 AM
    Can't wait. Shall be my new Work machine. :)

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