Tuesday, May 24, 2011

iphone 4 wallpaper size

iphone 4 wallpaper size. apple iphone 4 official
  • apple iphone 4 official

  • waldobushman
    Mar 26, 02:30 PM
    There will be some GUI changes. No big deal.

    OS X Lion will merge client and server versions.
    iOS will run under OS X with separate A5 emulator
    New cloud/MobileMe/iTunes support and software refactoring
    Java will still be included by default
    Cellular hardware support in OS X
    Support for untethered sync between computer and iPad/iPhone
    OS X will better support headless operation and strong connectivity between OS X and iOS devices.

    iphone 4 wallpaper size. Click the iPhone wallpaper you
  • Click the iPhone wallpaper you

  • 11thIndian
    Apr 6, 10:25 PM
    I use FCP and am VERY hesitant to go back to Premiere. Haven't used it since Premiere 6.0, and definitely do NOT want to go back. I have tens of thousands of dollars invested in Apple and FCP, and it would be a huge pain to abandon them. But I absolutely will jump ship if the next update to FCP doesn't show me that Apple is still paying attention to the professional users that initially were the bread and butter of the company.

    Although the only thing that will ultimately matter is what Apple releases on Tuesday, if you want to get an inkling as to why FCP development has been at loggerheads since do yourself a favour and read a couple articles from Philip Hodgett's blog on FCP, QTkit, Cocoa, and it's unfortunate collision with OSX's 64 bit platform development.


    iphone 4 wallpaper size. iphone 4 wallpaper size.
  • iphone 4 wallpaper size.

  • kevin.rivers
    Jul 15, 10:44 AM
    Life's great, no complaints whatsoever. :)

    That would be nice as well. It would definitely increase the longevity of the Mac, since if you ever wanted to upgrade the P/S, or if it blew, it would be a lot easier to do so. Still possible the way it is of course, but this would probably result in less hassle.

    I disagree. Using ATX power supplies is a stupid idea. I am sure Apple uses higher quality power supplies than you would pick up at your local CompUSA.

    If they allow this there will be a lot of dead Macs, from power supplies whose rails aren't strong enough.

    Not to mention those who buy the 400W model because it is only 20 bucks and drastically underpower there Mac.

    This would cause too many problems. Keep it proprietary IMO.

    iphone 4 wallpaper size. iphone 4 wallpaper size.
  • iphone 4 wallpaper size.

  • charlituna
    Apr 6, 08:22 PM
    I've posted several predictions over the past few months throughout this tread at Cinema5D:


    I took a look at the post and while I think your ideas are well thought out and very 'Apple' there are a few points that I disagree with.

    First off the notion that Apple has to match QuickTime on Windows and Mac. I don't see that they do so I won't be shocked if they don't. Or they might do another QT Pro (but i doubt they would let you use your old QT7 key)

    Also on the whole timeline issue. I don't see it as Apple changing one for the other. What I see is the user having a choice. They did this in iMovie so why not in FCS. Let folks work the way they feel is most efficient whether that is single line, flowchart etc. Same with how some of the tools function. Leave the old way and add the new one. Maybe both on the screen or perhaps a preference that allows you to use 'classic tools'.

    I'm not sure I agree with the idea of them adding Aperture to the package, but I agree that they could and should have some kind of catalog program or mode. Something that could perhaps bridge the components and even perhaps output from other programs like Premiere, Maya etc even Logic Studio. It might even allow for importing and logging without having to open Final Cut and allow you to put in Meta data like location, names of people in shot, etc. Stuff that would make that iMovie People Search etc viable tools.

    And while I like the idea of a plugin store I'm not sure it would be separate from the Mac App Store, particularly if this version of FCS required at least Snow Leo. even if it was its own face I could definitely see Apple putting it into that pay system.

    And one thing you didn't mention that I think is plausible is incorporating FCServer into the set rather than as a stand alone sku. Perhaps not within the programs but put that disk in the box as well. if Lion is any example, Apple seems to be getting away from separating Server functionality and having that software in the box as well could help those on the fence about switching. Especially if the whole thing was no more that the current $999 (a little less would be even better)

    iphone 4 wallpaper size. iphone 4 wallpaper size.
  • iphone 4 wallpaper size.

  • georgee2face
    Mar 22, 03:25 PM
    They're not what they're not.
    Their purpose is anywhere/anytime/always-on, not "best tool for job X".

    I drag my tablet everywhere because it's easy to carry and easy to use (ease on the scale of "quick email check in elevator", "get restaurant.com coupon while walking between car and cafe" easy).

    Your complaint is akin to whining a Swiss Army knife is unsuitable for culinary or carpentry use. You have a serious application for which a serious tool is warranted, you get the serious tool - not whine that a lightweight general-purpose device doesn't fulfill the role. ...and sometimes the right tool for a particular enterprise application IS a Swiss Army knife, because for a particular job the "every tool is available in a tiny lightweight package" may be best.

    Thanks for your spiffy explanation. But I realy don't see how it has anything to do with my statement. The rim is aimed at business users. No it's not. Business users want a quick way to get files to and fro, PRINT, and be capable of note taking. Now, my Ipad, and my ipad2 weren't advertised as"for business users", and i wished they had what I wanted, but i didn't throw them out because they don't. If you take offense at my lumping them with the other two, I am sorry. But NONE of them can really be used for enterprise users in a meaning ful way. that was my statement, an it was and is true.

    iphone 4 wallpaper size. iphone 4 wallpaper size.
  • iphone 4 wallpaper size.

  • mcrain
    Apr 27, 08:48 AM
    So, 38% of the American people, and a majority of the tea-party just had their "faith" that the President was somehow not legitimate pulled out from under them. If the goal was to fracture the ties that bind that group, the timing couldn't have been better.

    With the recent backlash against the Paul budget and attempt to destroy Medicare, what binds the tea party together now? President Obama has agreed to cuts, he tried to avoid the bush tax cuts on the wealthy, but caved to save the middle income tax breaks; now he wants to roll back the tax breaks for the wealthy, eliminating tax breaks for oil companies, and seems willing to consider a lot of other things to deal with the budget and economy. The Republican town hall meetings seem to show that people may finally be realizing that Democrats are actually the party of fiscal responsibility.

    I truly hope that the GOP learns from the last 30 years, and especially the last 20 years. Obstructing the other party is not the best way to run the government for the benefit of all of the American people. Compromise is not a bad word. Facts are your friend.

    iphone 4 wallpaper size. iphone 4 wallpaper size.
  • iphone 4 wallpaper size.

  • THX1139
    Aug 21, 02:09 AM
    I stopped by the Apple store tonight to play with a Macpro. I'm getting ready to buy and thought I'd get some hands on experience to see how it performed with Finalcut Pro. I was especially interested in how it handles playback of uncompressed footage.

    The store had a 2.6 hooked up to a 30"ACD. Everything on the machine was stock. I launched FCP and it appeared with a project already loaded (about 5 seconds). The project was a simple 20-30 second 720x480 NTSC clip of hockey game footage. I selected the clip and copied it to a new layer and threw a blend mode on it AND changed the speed to 85%. Next I copied and made another layer and changed the speed and offset it and changed the transparency to 80%. 3 layers total with the top two manipulated. I hit the render and it finished in about 30 seconds. :)

    I know, not very scientific, but I just wanted to get a feel for how fast the Macpro would render manipulated footage. Anyhow, next I changed the output in project settings to "uncompressed" and hit render again. Again, it took less than a minute to render and the CPU usage in console was maxing out at only 42% per core.

    Once the render completed, I hit the play button to see how the stock Macpro would handle playback of the uncompressed footage. It played for about 4 seconds then threw an error saying that frames were being dropped during playback. Not good. I was hoping that the Macpro would be able to play uncompressed footage from the timeline without 3rd party acceleration or setting up a raid. The error message suggested turning off RT effects (of which I did, but still had dropped frames) or get a faster drive. There was a couple other things the error suggested, but I can't remember at the moment. I wonder if having the ATI card would have made a difference? Not sure if FCP uses the GPU for playback, but I would think that should make a difference. Ram would probably help too. Anyone know what might be going on? Am I expecting too much out of this machine?

    Sorry for sort of getting off topic. I thought this might be an appropriate area to post this; I wasn't feeling up to starting a new thread.

    iphone 4 wallpaper size. iphone 4 wallpaper size.
  • iphone 4 wallpaper size.

  • KEL9000
    Jul 14, 03:29 PM
    Since apple is part of the Blu Ray consortium wouldn't you think they will use blu ray only?

    iphone 4 wallpaper size. iphone 4 wallpaper size.
  • iphone 4 wallpaper size.

  • JeffDM
    Sep 16, 03:50 PM
    One app would be iTunes. I noticed iTunes was running 14 threads last night. Any time you have a multithreaded application or are running multiple single thread aplications more cores can help.

    iTunes is generally so low-impact that it could be single threaded and you probably wouldn't notice. If the main thread is bogged down, I still get the spinny color disc with iTunes on occasion. It seems to do this sometimes when I sync an iPod, iTunes sometimes won't let me do anything else.

    An eight-core system should be able to eight single threaded programs running at 100% of one CPU without issue. What I hope is that more programs that need the processing power can use the full power of more than one CPU so you don't need to multitask so heavily to take advantage of the power available.

    iphone 4 wallpaper size. #39;vacations#39; iphone 4 wallpaper
  • #39;vacations#39; iphone 4 wallpaper

  • kiwi_the_iwik
    Apr 6, 02:28 AM
    My wishlist?

    I'd love the option for fast HD compression and ftp transfer straight from the program.

    Also, greater MXF support for P2, as well as metadata compatibility would be very welcome additions.

    AVC-Intra would be brilliant (without having to constantly rewrap...), to go along with existing DVCPRO HD support.

    Currently, we have to resort to 3rd party strategies for all of the above, which can be a major pain (and expense).

    iphone 4 wallpaper size. iphone 4 wallpaper size.
  • iphone 4 wallpaper size.

  • Dr.Gargoyle
    Aug 11, 03:48 PM
    I standby my assumption that the amount of internet usage is probably a good gauge of cell phone usage.
    I am sure you are...
    Care to dispute, then provide your own "facts".
    My assumption (http://www.gsmworld.com/index.shtml). I was wrong. It is not 81%, it is 82%. Sorry, I will check my sources better next time.

    iphone 4 wallpaper size. Device + Firmware: iPhone4
  • Device + Firmware: iPhone4

  • ugp
    Jun 11, 09:23 AM
    I'm on a conf call and just got word about the early openings. As soon as i get to work in a minute ill post all the info i have. :)

    Please let me know ASAP! :D

    iphone 4 wallpaper size. iphone 4 wallpaper size.
  • iphone 4 wallpaper size.

  • rezenclowd3
    Aug 17, 02:42 PM
    Traction control and stability control for a race car? Never I say!

    I have not enjoyed a NFS game after underground 2...

    iphone 4 wallpaper size. iphone 4 wallpaper size.
  • iphone 4 wallpaper size.

  • iJohnHenry
    Mar 19, 05:52 PM
    It's a known fact the Obama Administration monitors MacRumors forums for a populist read on issues... ;)

    OMG. I guess I should not have deleted those White House E-mails as spam. :eek:

    iphone 4 wallpaper size. iphone 4 wallpaper size.
  • iphone 4 wallpaper size.

  • sam8940
    Apr 6, 03:57 PM
    what about the hacked nooks?

    iphone 4 wallpaper size. iphone 4 wallpaper size.
  • iphone 4 wallpaper size.

  • gnasher729
    Apr 27, 08:59 AM
    You mean to tell me that Apple, a company that seems to release fairly solid software, "neglected" to test that when disabling an option called LOCATION SERVICES, that it actually disabled location checking properly? Are some of you really so Jobsian?

    Call a spade a spade. There's no possible chance this was a mistake. They got caught. They should not be given a pass over it. If a user opts to disable Location Services, they were working under the false impression that their location was no longer being tracked. Seems mighty shifty to me. Doesn't matter how much data might have been user-identifiable. This sounds like something Google would do, not Apple.

    You can think what you want. I develop software for a living. This file is not a "feature", and it isn't and never was present intentionally to store your location data. It is a very, very useful collection of data that in some situations makes your phone work faster and save power. Location Services are disabled when you disable them, and enabled when you enable them. Whoever tested this was testing exactly that: That Location Services does its best to find your location when it is enabled, and that it absolutely refuses to look for your location when it is disabled. That's what enabling/disabling location services means. Nobody at Apple ever cared about this file. It wasn't on anyone's radar before people had their paranoia attack.

    This file recorded locations of WiFi and cell towers, but only the last time that you have been at each place. Exactly what is needed to improve Location Services. All your history, which would have been much more useful to track you, is deleted. Your actual location, which is known to your phone, and which would have been much more useful to track you, is deleted. All because it didn't serve the purpose of this file, which isn't and never was to track you.

    iphone 4 wallpaper size. Iphone+4+wallpaper+size
  • Iphone+4+wallpaper+size

  • ccrandall77
    Aug 11, 02:03 PM
    EDGE is not meant to compare with EVDO, UTMS is.

    Can you imagine them making the phone only for CDMA? That translates to "US only." There will be a GSM version, it will most likely support UTMS, which is as good or better than EVDO.

    Even assuming for the sake of argument, which I don't in reality, that CDMA is better than GSM for voice, the annoyance of not being able to swap SIM cards is enough for me to avoid it.

    That and the fact I can't use it anywhere outside the US.

    I agree that EVDO is more analgous to UTMS than EDGE, but for now in most places UTMS is not present... esp the US. So when I compare CDMA technologies to GSM technologies for domestic carriers, the CDMA camp wins hands down.

    There are many places CDMA is used outside the US. From the maps I've seen, much of Asia, Australia, and the Americas have CDMA coverage. And has I mentioned in a previous post, the big 2 (VZW and Sprint) do offer hybrid CDMA/GSM phones (or at least they did... we can still apparently get them through our business).

    I WHOLEHEARTEDLY agree about your point on SIM cards. I wish to God Sprint had SIM cards. I have a Treo 700p and I LOVE IT!!! But I don't want to haul it around with me everywhere. Frequently I steal my wife's new Samsung A900 since it's so thin and is hardly noticable in my pocket. I'd love to have the freedom to have 1 line and 2 phones.

    iphone 4 wallpaper size. Iphone 4 Wallpaper Size.
  • Iphone 4 Wallpaper Size.

  • logandzwon
    Apr 6, 02:08 PM
    Nice...I'm glad to have a more rare piece of hardware. I love mine and have no issues, it'll only get better over time.Reminds me of the days of the RAZR, that's what the iPhone and iPad have become.

    Honda sells a TON more cars than BMW by a huge factor...I'd rather drive a BMW, I guess you're all happy with the Hondas :)

    I'd argue it's more like a the difference between a Corvette and Skyline GT-R circa 1996. For 97 Corvette gets an awesome overhaul, building on all the best features and designs from the competition. People start getting excited again, then the details of the R34 GT-R are announced. By 1999 it's back to drawing board for Corvette.

    iphone 4 wallpaper size. iphone 4 wallpaper size.
  • iphone 4 wallpaper size.

  • Popeye206
    Mar 31, 04:16 PM
    And the Apple haters do yet another 180...

    1. Macs

    1995 to 2007: Don't use a Mac. Noone uses Macs.
    2007 to Present: Don't use a Mac. Everyone uses a Mac.

    2. Apps

    1995 to 2/22/2011: Don't use Apple. There is no software and they can't do anything.
    2/22 to Present: Apps? Who needs Apps as long as you have a robust UI?

    3. Open

    2007 to Today: Apple is a walled garden that only stupid lemmings use.
    Today going forward: Controlling the OS is necessary and good for the consumer.

    +1! Love this analogy!

    You could also add to it:

    1984-1991: GUI? Who needs a GUI? Real computers use command lines!
    1999 - Vista: Thank goodness that Microsoft invented the GUI interface.


    Apr 19, 08:38 PM
    The point is no one will ever confuse this with Apple's iPhone... But what Samsung is doing now is another story.

    If you look at each item that Apple takes exception with individually it seems silly, but when you put them all together in a single device it's a twin to the iPhone... An iClone.:rolleyes:

    Actually, the point was that Samsung did not have a grid of icons on the F700 until after the iPhone released...so Apple did not copy Samsung. Eventually, what you say is true.

    Apr 5, 06:09 PM
    A very ignorant post. Especially if you value quality. I hardly call providing the best quality video "sucking money out of home consumers"

    Or are you one of those that want to insist that streaming "hd" video is just as good as blu-ray. Because if you are - you shouldn't have even weighed in here.

    No need to school you on the difference here though unless you come back and tell me you still think there's no difference.

    +1... Maybe I should've snipped the quote, but I couldn't agree more! :)

    Sep 12, 11:36 AM
    I could do with multiple cores. I render HDV in the background, render projects in After Effects, compress videos in Compressor for DVDs, burn Toast images, download with BitTorrent, while surfing the web and watching 1080i H.264 material. Those extra cores would come in real handy. :)
    It would be nice if 10.5 would allow a more 'blind' method to utilize these cores, versus having programmers specificly program for multi-core. Now that would be extremely helpful and allow a more simultanous workflow.

    Apr 8, 05:03 AM
    [B]Until Apple can get more of its own stores it needs BB more than BB needs it. So I doubt Apple went all hurt or p.o.'d girlfriend on them.

    The problem is not the number of retail-locations selling iPads, the problem is number of iPads in those stores. Now that BB is out of the picture, other retailers can receive more units. Now Apple can stop supplying BB-stores, and use those units to supply some other stores instead. You know, stores that actually sell the product to a customer?

    Apr 7, 11:05 PM
    Normally I'd call bs, but I got mine at Best Buy and my friend a former employ asked if they had any more, the said technically no but for him they'd "find" one. Thank god I got it from there for reward pointssss!

    My reward point coupons always come the day after they expire anyways. Plus newegg and amazon are cheaper on most things. Too bad circuit city went down...

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