Thursday, March 22, 2007

Justin Timberlake: It’s All In The Details

Justin Timberlake is the cover boy for the April 2007 issue of Details Magazine. Here are some of the highlights from Justin’s interview with Details:

* On the tabloids: “I despise what they do. They create soap operas out of
people’s lives. [Cameron and I] had our thing, and it’s over. They edit
that stuff like MTV edits reality shows. It’s a spin game, and I choose not
to take part in it.”

* On being considered the New King of Pop: “I tried so hard to be an R&B
artist [with first solo album Justified] and it was the pop album of the
year, and I was like, ‘F***. That’s the last thing I wanted but I was like,
‘So everyone considers me a pop artist? Well, fuck it. I’m going to do
whatever I want to do.”

On surviving the boy-band apocalypse and becoming a man: “I could give you a
bunch of analogies about why I’m still around that would sound like hippie self-help bullshit. ‘I saw an opportunity and I took it?’ Fuck you. Sure, there’s a lot of luck involved. But on some level I have to believe in my ability. And I’m not apologizing to anyone. I worked fucking hard to get here.”

* On being used by the Grammys for ratings: “I’m the nice guy who follows through on the things he commits to. But I don’t know if I’ll be going through that sort of thing again. I feel like the Grammys used me for ratings. And look at it-they were up 18 percent.”

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