Thursday, March 22, 2007

Woody Allen: Scarlett Johansson is Criminally Sexy

And boy does Woody Allen have it right…

71-year-old Woody describes Scarlett Johansson, 22, as “criminally sexy” in an e-mail sent to Vogue about his Match Point muse, reports USA Today.

“She is unlike anyone who has come before her, and while she is a much stronger actress in every way, there is a tiny bit of Marilyn Monroe in her zaftig humidity.”

Here are a few more highlights from Scarlett’s interview with Vogue:

* On singing praises about Woody: “I’d sew the hems of his pants if he asked
me to.”
* On having “fun” with Justin Timberlake: “We had fun together, but it’s not
like the first time I’ve ever hung out with him. I think this happens
because we’re both single and in the spotlight, and obviously Justin’s a
very high-profile person.”
* On her and Justin being an item: “Not true.”
* On her break-up with Josh Hartnett: “I’d rather not comment on my personal
life in that way.”

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