Monday, February 19, 2007

Brad & Angelina Down in New Orleans

Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, and their brood — Maddox (pictured), Zahara, and Shiloh – enjoy a walk along the streets of New Orleans over the weekend.

The happy couple was spotted by one lucky fan from their balcony!

Brad Pitt looks every inch the doting dad as he wheels two of his children in a buggy.

Partner Angelina Jolie has her hands full too with two cups of coffee — while adopted daughter Zahara munches away on crisps.

Film hunk Brad, 43, pushed Zahara, two, and nine-month-old baby Shiloh during a family stroll near their £2million home in New Orleans.

Dressed all in black, Fight Club star Brad looked typically trim. Angelina, 31, is still coming to terms with the cancer death of her mum three weeks ago, but put on a brave face.

The couple also have an adopted son, Maddox, five.

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