Saturday, February 17, 2007

Justin Timberlake Dishes Advice To His Ex, Brit-Brit

On stage at the Brit Awards, Justin Timberlake seemed to be sending out a very public and thinly-veiled message to his ex-girlfriend and resident party girl, Britney Spears.

After she's seemed to be spinning pretty much out of control, collapsing in a club over New Year's, "forgetting" her panties and revealing all her "lady lumps" when exiting limousines, it sounds like Justin's pretty much just saying what everyone's already thinking. In his acceptance speech, JT added:

"[E]veryone have a great night. Stop drinking! You know who you are. I'm speaking to you. You are going to get sloppy. OK! magazine is going to say something bad about you."

After being on the cover of OK! for ten weeks in a row, it's pretty obvious Britney Spears is the "mystery friend" Justin seems to be counseling. I just wonder, as much as Justin really is pretty much just spouting some good ol' common sense, how the hell can the same guy who said...

"Nicotine is more addictive than heroin." suddenly giving out such sage words of wisdom?

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