Saturday, February 17, 2007

Lindsay Lohan Leaves Rehab - Makes Room for Britney Spears

Lindsay Lohan is officially out of rehab. She completed 30 days worth of treatment. And when I say 30 days - please include shopping trips, working, eating out with friends, and coffee breaks in the equation. Who will Mike Tyson talk to now?

Lindsay Lohan is out of rehab Access Hollywood can reveal. The actress left Wonderland rehab in Los Angeles earlier today after completing a 30 day stay, the actress’ publicist Leslie Sloane-Zelnick told Access exclusively.

“She will continue as an outpatient,” Sloane-Zelnick told Access’ Michael Lewittes. “She will take it day by day.”

“She’s in it for the long haul, and she asks that her privacy be respected,” the publicist added.

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