Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Drew: Once a Wood Nymph, Always a Wood Nymph

OMG guys, Drew Barrymore is so Jane! She was their first ever cover girl, after all.

It's been a long, strange trip for Drew since her Jane debut back in 1997, but she'll be the first to tell you that though she's got more wisdom and maturity, she'll always be the same free spirit at heart.

* ON FLASHING DAVID LETTERMAN ON NATIONAL TV…“I’m thrilled I did that, but no way
would I do it now. Man, I was such a sexual, free, f*cking nudist little bird
running around. I love it. I’m still sensual, but I’m much more modest now. But
I think I’ll always be a bit of a wood nymph when it comes to sexuality. It’s
like, ‘F*ck it, be free and have the most fun you can.’ ”
* ON HAVING A FAMILY AND GETTING OLD…“I would definitely like to have a family
one day. I don’t know when or with who, but I don’t picture myself alone and
bitter…When I get old, I am not going to be wearing polyester pants. I’m going
to wear old Levi’s and Birkenstocks. And hopefully I’ll have enough hair to
wear braids.”
* ON WHAT SHE WANTS HER KIDS TO BE LIKE…“I would love for them to become adults
who have a positive effect whether that’s through kindness or if they are
scientists or humanitarians or entertainers … if they give something back. The
last thing I want is a selfish child.”
* ON HER FRIENDS…“Beyond any [romantic] relationship I’ve ever had, my friends
are the ones who have been consistent rocks in my life. They make me feel like
everything will be okay.”

Oh Drew, you crazy lovable adorable hippie, we loved little nudist you and we love more put-together you, too. We love all the yous. Other than when you were married to Tom Green. That you wasn't as fun. Anyway, considering how tumultuous her early life was, it's always fun to see how grounded Drew ended up. She's the perfect lesson of how to make it work after being so out of control at such a young age. Are you listening, starlets?

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