Monday, February 19, 2007

Buy Britney's Hair

Yes, it's sad but true; you can now buy Britney's hair from the salon where she shaved it off herself. The current bid is $1,001,500.

Can you believe that??? I actually thought for a minute that maybe Britney shaved her head as a part of healing from her aunt who recently passed away from cancer.

I thought maybe Britney was going to donate the hair herself, but no, the salon is planning on selling it instead. Click here to bid away on eBay since who knows how long it will last up there. As for Britney, well the good news is her mother has flown in to hopefully save the day.

I am thinking she may hide out for a few days but lucky for us LL was released from rehab and she has immediately hit the party scene again. Will these girls ever learn?

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