Sunday, February 18, 2007

Katie Holmes & Nicole Kidman Join Forces

It appears as if Nicole Kidman and Katie Holmes not only share a mutual respect for one another, but parenting advice as well. Holmes became stepmother to Kidman’s adopted children, Isabella and Conor, upon marrying Tom Cruise.

The two actresses are bucking the trends of animosity and competition that typically result from this type of scenario, and amicably consult with one another on the upbringing of the children.

A source from the Post Chronicle said: “Katie was having lunch with friends in Beverly Hills when Isabella rang her to talk to her about a party she was going to.”

“Katie said, ‘That was Bella. She wants to wear a dress to a birthday party but I think it is much too grown up for her. But she says her mother approves. So I need to check with Nicole.’”

"Then after she’d made the call to Nicole she told her friends, ‘Nicole agrees with me. The dress is all wrong. The drama of it all! If I’ve learned one thing about teenagers, it’s that little things mean a lot.’ “

Katie, who gave birth to her daughter, Suri, 9 months age, is keen to be a good mother to Isabella, 14, and 12-year-old Conor, and hopes to earn their love and respect herself.

An insider told Hello magazine: “She didn’t want the children to respect her only because Tom told them to, but rather because they wanted to.”

“Nicole is actually a big fan of Katie’s. She thinks Katie is doing an amazing job of stepping up to the plate.”

“Katie’s always there for Isabella and Connor, as she is with the new baby.”

It is quite pleasant hearing that Nicole and Katie have worked everything out so nicely. It surely will do wonders for the children as they continue to grow older!

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