Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Tom Whisks Gisele Away On Conveniently Timed Tabloid-Free Weekend in Paris

You just know that Tom Brady is keeping his fingers crossed hoping that his new baby daddy status doesn't reach the French newspapers...because maybe, just maybe, Gisele will never have to find out.

I kid, of course, because as I assumed, Tom has known about his ex being knocked up for months (and giving him the benefit of the doubt, let's say he's already told Gisele).

Bridget may not have given Tom the heads up, however, that this was the weekend she was going to go public with the news.

The hopefully untrue (Go Pats?) rumors are now saying that the supposedly devout Catholic Brady broke up with Bridget because she was pregnant and that he certainly has no plans to marry her.

I mean, he doesn't have to marry his ex, but breaking up with her for being pregnant? That's pretty harsh.

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