Thursday, June 23, 2011

barcelona team 2009

images Highway to Rome : Barcelona barcelona team 2009. Barcelona lifted
  • Barcelona lifted

  • desi485
    07-25 01:01 PM
    :rolleyes:Both were EB2 from the same company. PD on one was Oct/2006 and the other was Feb/2002.

    SANBAJ, congrates finally your suffering in GCJourney came to an end!!!

    I have only 1 CG application and no question to interfile (read jealous:)), but after reading this thread, one my co-worker also from india asked this.

    She is waiting for GC for more than 5 years, has 2 different I-140s. But should she go for interfilling? Let me ask this question to fellow sufferers.

    Our company lawyer never answers question in details, and is not responding on this. She will have to send directly to USCIS in case...

    First I-140 - Company A - EB3 - PD July 2003 - approved June 2007 - nothing further, she has the copy of I-140 approval notice though.
    Second I-140 - Company B - EB2 - PD Jan 2006 - approved April 2007 - currently filed in july 07

    Even after so much begging, the lawyer refused to entertain her and did not asked for PD transfer.

    Her husband is working using EAD since last year, is not in H4 status anymore. This is why she is extremely cautious and not taking any chance with her pending I-485. (afraid to interfile all these days.)

    What can she do now? I know her EB2 is current as if August 2008, so that is another factor to consider.


    wallpaper Barcelona lifted barcelona team 2009. the Messi-Barça
  • the Messi-Barça

  • helens_64
    12-13 09:09 AM
    In the visa bullitin, it says current for Targeted Employ-ment Areas/
    Regio.nal Centers . What is that mean?. Is it only for the investor who does business in Targeted areas? or employees who works in the under served areas

    barcelona team 2009. team you want Barcelona
  • team you want Barcelona

  • mallu
    11-30 01:27 PM

    It says some applications will still be delayed . I assume of one is stuck with namecheck where FBI is waiting for response from native country, he will be waiting for eternity. Nowhere it says applications will be approved while the namecheck is pending.

    2011 the Messi-Barça barcelona team 2009. arcelona team 2009.
  • arcelona team 2009.

  • pd2001_12
    12-24 11:15 PM
    Good start. Let us see how many are still waiting with older 2001 October dates.
    My date is 2001 December. It is so frustrating to look at each bulletin and get disappointed.


    barcelona team 2009. FC Barcelona Team-Signed
  • FC Barcelona Team-Signed

  • angelfire76
    01-03 04:16 PM
    I am not so sure where you get the impression that being a pilot is not a glamarous job any more. If you equate airline pilot to taxi drivers, you would probabily see planes dropping from sky like raining, and I bet few would dare to take commercial airline, unless one with suicidal tendency.
    However, that relates another interesting part about outsourcing: lots of people are saying outsourcing are good and you can get anyone to do the IT job, but it really turned out that lots of oursourced jobs are done so poorly that eventually it costs more for the company.

    I don't know how he/she equated handling a machine as complex as an airplane to a taxi cab. Bad analogy. Pilots are highly paid for a very good reason. Agreed that most of the maintenance is done by the ground crew but to make sense of the ever evolving flight instrumentation panel requires constant training and a significant amount of intelligence.

    Software in certain areas has become a commodity especially coding application software which makes up about 80-85% of all systems developed. But a lot of work such as technical specification, software architecture etc. are still being seen as primarily onsite functions.

    barcelona team 2009. May 27, 2009 at 2:30 pm
  • May 27, 2009 at 2:30 pm

  • pappu
    11-16 06:09 PM
    Non-immigrants are routinely charged a hefty premium on mortgages and loans just based on the fact that their stay in the US is limited in time - irrespective of what your credit score and other usual risk assessment metrics have to say.
    could members explain this further with more information and facts if possible. we have not been covering this in our media interviews and facts about hardships we face.

    infact it would be better if finance gurus and others on the forum can help list various ways in which h1b visa holders suffer financially by not having a gc.

    - mortgage rates are one.


    barcelona team 2009. Messi and Barcelona team
  • Messi and Barcelona team

  • bvibhu
    08-16 03:04 PM
    I think it does not make sense even if you re-file it. Your second application may also take ages to get a receipt. In that case, should we keep re-filing endlessly??? :)

    2010 team you want Barcelona barcelona team 2009. Highway to Rome : Barcelona
  • Highway to Rome : Barcelona

  • mbartosik
    02-12 05:12 PM
    Many states are "employment at will" states. This includes NY. You can say good bye that day and not turn up again (works both ways). Did you have leave owing and thus were simply using up paid leave before leaving him. If you did not sign a no-compete he doesn't have a leg to stand on, and even if you did no-compete contracts are often unenforceable because they go too far.

    If you left without telling him and continued to draw salary that could be a problem.

    If you are working for a customer that he still does business with, then speak with your managers. If you have a good relationship there the managers may put pressure on him -- like threaten to cancel his remaining contracts.

    IRS explains in their FAQ what to do if you cannot get W2 (linked to earlier in this thread I think). DO NOT PAY A PENNY FOR IT! Do not accept an incorrect W2 either!

    Better still go to a local IRS office and get advice. If you get a helpful IRS customer service rep, then ask to call your employer on a speaker phone with them present, imagine what IRS might do to him if they hear him on the phone attempting to blackmail you! I hear major audit coming! Or ask IRS to phone him there and then on your behalf, so they can ask for the W2 to be sent. If he dares tell them he won't send it he will find himself in a world of pain. The IRS do have a procedure, so they will likely send a demanding letter, woe is he who ignores such a letter.

    Personally I would rather pick an argument with a police officer than an IRS representative. IRS has much more power put him in a world of pain than any other agency.

    Customer service people are humans too, and I've found IRS customer service helpful before, be polite and they will advice they are going to hate the idea of someone being blackmailed for a W2, you might even "make their day".


    barcelona team 2009. FC Barcelona dream team
  • FC Barcelona dream team

  • hydboy77
    11-02 02:28 PM
    I dont think DOS will do any spillover, if by a miracle they do a quarterly spillover it can happen only in december, The whole idea of spillover is if there are any leftover visas they have to use it by the end of the year (i.e spetember 30) or if they do quarterly spillover as the law says then they have to do it by the end of the quarter i.e Dec 31, march 31, June 30.

    If the eb2 does not move to atleast march 2005 then it means DOS is not doing quarterly spillover.

    I don't have any high hope. I am guessing that Mr Oppenheim will do quarterly spill over of first quarter into first month of second quarter. So Lets wait for Jan bulletin..

    I argue all members not to keep too much hope for Dec bulletin. Eb3 India will move little bit but few months only.

    hair arcelona team 2009. barcelona team 2009. Barcelona to play in Wembley
  • Barcelona to play in Wembley

  • H1bslave
    11-19 03:47 PM
    Your idea is marvelous, I totally agree, if not five years, make it eight or ten years but should have something like that. I don�t know how easy/hard is to get this implemented. But we could try for at least some relief once a person finishes a decade in this country.

    The best thing to ask for is a "time factor".


    barcelona team 2009. love Barcelona#39;s style of
  • love Barcelona#39;s style of

  • RandyK
    06-10 10:36 PM
    Can anyone care to take a guess at this please. Especially seniors who are pretty familier with the backlog.

    What I am trying to figure out is if the current backlogged cases for Indians are about 120K, how many could be there for China/Mex/Phil?

    Could it be as high as 70K? or less?

    I would appreciate someone taking crack at this.

    My blind guess is about 50K. Leaving EB3 ROW with a backlog of 30K.

    If China and Mexico and Philippines backlog is like 60 or 70K that means ROW will be current by the end of the next fiscal year.

    This would result in over flow of the excess to retrogressed countries.

    Can someone try to breakdown the 220K backlog per Mr. O, please.

    According to Mr. O.

    India = 120K
    China = ?
    Mexico = ?
    Philippine = ?
    ROW = ?


    hot FC Barcelona Team-Signed barcelona team 2009. arcelona team 2009.
  • arcelona team 2009.

  • glus
    06-20 02:49 PM
    If you can get employer verification letter stating that the position is still available for you and your salary, then file I485 yourself.

    I guess most of the folks here are busy preparing to apply for 485. I have different problem here.

    My employer's attorney is charging me outrageous fees of around $5000 to
    apply for 485, AP and EAD for me and my spouse. This excludes USCIS fees. I work on hourly basis, so I should be taking care of immigration fees. My employer is not allowing me to file through another law firm.

    Do I have any other options. How much do they charge usually.


    house Celebrate Barcelona#39;s European barcelona team 2009. Barcelona Football Team
  • Barcelona Football Team

  • raysaikat
    07-19 10:11 PM
    This may not be true. This is the problem being faced by many singles. Ofcourse those singles are postponing their plans just because of USCIS policies which in the case of singles is ridiculous. There is no meaning to make a person wait for 5-10 years to get one's spouse just because he applied for a Green Card. I see various kinds of visas for the spouses in other categories like H1 has H4
    L1 has L2/L4 ( I dont know what that is)
    and so on so forth..

    but for a spouse of AOS? nothing.

    All the crap of going on H1 are ridiculous. At the first place one has to get a sponsor for H1 and then there are all those issues out of being H1 with the employer and USCIS. There is no benefit of being on AOS. They cannot use EAD. They cannot start companies freely, etc because they are supposed to be on H1 or L1 etc.

    Even then the title is misplaced; USCIS does not make laws.

    tattoo May 27, 2009 at 2:30 pm barcelona team 2009. arcelona fc 2011 team.
  • arcelona fc 2011 team.

  • pooja_34
    12-22 02:14 PM
    Well said - I couldnt have said it any better !!! I thought every desi in the US knew this already but apparently NOT!!!

    But not because they are 'Indian' but because they are run by sarkari babus. If anyone wants proof Govt. can't run things even remotely as efficiently as private corporations, this is that case study.
    Have to give American consulates in India the credit that they have outsourced some job to external private companies.
    At Indian consulate the story is quite different. There are many who share Pooja's feeling on this subject as being used to dealing with efficient private businesses in US, as soon as you enter the consulate, the sarkari inefficiency hits you like a ton of bricks. Every small screwup looks like a giant under our microscope and each further screwup just frustrates us exponentially.
    As per my last visit to SF consulate, bracing for the worst, I got a surprise to find that it was a breeze, mostly because the lady at the counter was more compassionate and accommodating then the prior ones. But the failure is glaringly at the top level where they fail to define and refine the process, proof-read the information on website (list of document is vague and contains repetitions).
    To summarize I think good workers can deliver some time, but the team will ultimately be a failure without good management at the top, and we all know the top management is sarkari babus who could care less as they were appointed from the sifarish of the Govt in New Delhi and not on their own merit.


    pictures Messi and Barcelona team barcelona team 2009. Lionel Messi of Barcelona
  • Lionel Messi of Barcelona

  • eb3retro
    01-13 03:40 PM
    u know what, gcseeker2002 is correct to the dot. we do not need a transit visa while coming thru germany in lufthansa. no one even mentions that word. i called and emailed the german consulate b4 i flew out of US, all people including german consulate, travel agent (2 of them),, mentioned that i require it and still i travelled back without it. no one mentioned that word. trust me guys, u wont require it, i just came 10 days ago just with AP.

    NOTE : I also recd such emails from German consulate.

    Hey gcseeker2002, after 300+ postings also how can you post such a thing.

    This is new rule implemented and by thinking you as senior if someone goes and faces problem will you be responsible. So please don't do this boss.

    To All Who believe no need to have valid VISA while going back to India or their country.
    This is email got from German Consulate at Washington DC to my collegue.

    German Cosulate Rep at DC: You wrote that your visa for the United States already expired in September 2010. Therefore you do not fall under Exception Nr. 2. This exception is meant for persons travelling to the US holding a valid US-visa (e.g. a visitors visa with one entry) on their way travelling to the US (Exception 1) and travelling back to their home country during the validity dates of this same visa, but already having used it for entering the US (Exception2) . I hope this clarifies your additional question. I suggest that you apply for an Airport Transit Visa as soon as possible to avoid any problems when travelling back to India via Frankfurt airport.

    dresses arcelona team 2009. barcelona team 2009. December 22, 2009 at 6:10 AM
  • December 22, 2009 at 6:10 AM

  • drirshad
    07-29 03:51 AM
    NSC: Self E-Filed May 19 (Current EAD expires Sep 18)
    Document Send: May 26
    FP Done: May 28
    EAD CPO: July 26 (for me & spouse)
    Priority Current next month
    (not sure if they gave a 2 yr validity)

    Still waiting on AP (LUD same as EAD)


    makeup FC Barcelona dream team barcelona team 2009. Celebrate Barcelona#39;s European
  • Celebrate Barcelona#39;s European

  • funkmaster
    04-03 01:00 PM
    Done !

    girlfriend arcelona fc 2011 team. barcelona team 2009. Hleb has slammed Barcelona
  • Hleb has slammed Barcelona

  • satdal
    11-06 12:41 PM
    For me, my AP was approved (along with my wife and daughter) on Oct 1st 2006. My Notice date is Sept 10th. The LUD on AP was 10/04, which said that the approval was "mailed" on 10/02. Hwoever I recd it on 10/20 and I could see that it was mailed on 10/19 from USCIS office. So, atleast for APs, even the status shows that it's been approved and mailed as well, it seems that it's not the case. It's been taking couple of weeks to get them in hand. Hopefully this info helps some people who are still waiting for APs.
    I also took an Infopass appt, as we didn't recv FP notices yet. I opened a SR, but nothing so far. It looks that I may not get before I go to infopass next week.

    hairstyles love Barcelona#39;s style of barcelona team 2009. national team of Argentina
  • national team of Argentina

  • kkt_tkk
    07-24 03:18 PM

    E-filed EAD/AP

    EAD E-filed: 06-26-08
    FP Notice: NO
    Status: No Update

    07-13 02:13 PM
    Definite. My journey was worth it, even considering all the diffiulties. In India, I had a flourshing practice and when I was planning to go to US, my friends will call be a "fool".
    However, looking back, I think I made a wise decision. I have a very good academic job, for which I am proud of. My wife has a very respectable job, which she could not have done there. My kids are much more independent and mature and have more opportunities in terms of education, jobs, travel etc. My health is far better here (I was allergic to dust and had athma). I have more time to enjoy sports and travel. Most of my immediate family is in US.
    In nutshell, YES, I did the right thing.

    08-10 12:47 PM
    I just pity you man .... cant u understand what i said about my reason to take an LC .......jsut not to wait to apply for i 485 for another x years ......

    Your discussion is going no where ........I wouldnt even have cared if it was a last month's labor .......

    And also USCIS would have initially implementecd this for a good reason and they would not have terminated it if they wouldnt have found that many companies were misusing it ......

    Anyways ....if u have time .....keep going on this discussion, on a topic which USCIS itself closed last month ...

    U told once , twice or n times on this forum that u dont like LS, and yes USCIS heard it and closed it .... so just forget it ....

    the guy who actually started this thread must be enjoying seeing all these posts hahahhahhah

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