Thursday, June 23, 2011

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  • kaisersose
    06-05 11:48 AM
    That post was intended towards EB3 category, particularly EB3-India. Ever since starting of this Fiscal Year there are very few EB3-India approvals (Can anybody dispute that?). So how come USCIS used up all the visas already?? Most of the guys here always talk about EB2-India which is not highly effected category in the first place. We suppose to be taking care of effected categories.

    How do you know there have been very few EB3 approvals? There is no tracker accurate enough for us to know that.

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  • 485Mbe4001
    12-04 06:18 PM
    India has PPF/PF and that money will go in you PPF/PF account, its not a black hole, infact it pays the highest interest and its secure. its very easy to get money out of your PF account. i took it out of my PPF account before i came to the US and promptly spent all :)
    its another topic that SS repatriation will never be approved, especially retroactively.

    Yeah I get that the money will be transferred from the Social security system here to the Indian Govt system.
    My point is it does not do a damn thing for us workers personally. That money will dissapear into a dark hole in the Indian Gov't coffers instead of a dark hole here, further as the rules stand, I have a slim chance of getting the money from here through social security payments when I turn 65 even if I am in India. Try that within the money in Indian gov't hands.
    On the other hand, it makes the Indian gov't allign with corporate america, as they all have a vested interest in a Temp. worker program such as H1b absent green cards. Which will be a win win for all concerned except us.
    So I repeat my question..................Why is this good again?

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  • cinqsit
    09-16 08:35 PM
    Is this a coincidence? Exactly after a month, I had my Green Card in hand. :D

    Was it a case of pure divine intervention ? If you think it was... can you tell us your secret .....

    just kidding ....

    congratulations and enjoy your life !!!! and hope you will come to the forums often and help your fellow iv ocd member group ;-) ( i belong to that group unfortunately)


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  • Ram_C
    11-19 01:56 PM
    Sorry for asking you so many questions. I am just trying to figure out if there is any pattern on NSC-CSC-NSC FP appointments.

    Did you get a notice from CSC saying they are transferring your I-485 to NSC? If so, when was it?

    NO, I haven't received transfer notice from CSC either.


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  • bujjigadu123
    03-03 03:32 PM
    I hope he was not deported.

    Hi All,

    Sorry for the delayed response.

    ICE officer did not visit me on the scheduled day. There is no communciation from him so far on reschedule also. I donno what happened. I also did not want to follow up with him.


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  • downthedrain
    02-17 04:55 PM
    got LUD on 1/29, 1/30 RFE send, 2/10 RFE evidence received, 2/11

    another LUD today for me 02/17


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  • jfredr
    08-22 11:14 AM
    Thanks for posting

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  • longq
    12-20 06:25 PM
    Does USCIS provide any clear documentation regarding the Visa Allocations?

    DOS statistics can be found at

    The text of INA can be found at d58


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  • axp817
    04-03 09:55 AM
    Thanks for contacting IV with your SOS.
    An IV core member is going to be helping you to fix this with USCIS. Let us know if you need help. He already tried contacting you yesterday.

    As IV grows maybe this is a help IV can extend to all its donor members and help them if they get in such extreme distress situations. This is one of the ideas we are thinking for our members in the donor group.

    +1. That is fantastic.

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  • chanduv23
    08-14 05:21 AM


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  • aachoo
    02-14 12:34 PM
    Did you change company? or filed AC-21.

    My PD is also close to yours and transfer is TSC-CSC-NSC

    I had LUD on 2/10....Lets hope for the best...I will keep you posted on my status

    No company changes, AC21 or anything out of the ordinary.

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  • eb3_nepa
    06-05 11:44 AM
    Even as it stands RIGHT NOW without the "New AC21 Rules", you cannot use AC21 unless your I-140 is approved. The basic principle of AC21 is "If your I-140 is APPROVED AND your I-485 application has been pending for more than 180 days" you can switch jobs and not lose anything.


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  • learning01
    03-16 12:46 PM
    Newt said Nothing is going to happen on this Specter or any other immigration bills in Senate. The conference with House will not agree to anything.

    I also sincerely believe that Nothing is going to happen I say, these senators are doing CYAs; they will bitch it to media, their constituents, hey look, we did attempt these immigration reforms.

    I am talking from my long experience and wisdom and take it from me. The only force that can improve the pitiable conditions of Indian and Chinese due to retrogression and lack of visa numbers is the big corporate employers . Each one whose LC is approved, whose I-140 is approved, who is waiting to file for adjustment of status AND who are indispensable to the employer / work at this stage should write to the HR/ Immigration/ Attorney.

    I am in such a position. I am a technical lead in my IT department. PD Nov 2001. I write about these issues and the difficulties once in a month my team manager, or project manager or Immigration department.

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  • lutherpraveen
    09-19 07:38 PM
    Who is a cynic? A man who knows the price of everything, and the value of nothing.
    -Oscar Wilde
    Yes we did the rally we were great with all those signs, and appearing in the Indy TV but...


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  • vin13
    06-24 05:12 PM
    In the 2006 CIR was passed by Senate and it failed in Congress.

    The strategy was adding poison pill. They deliberately added so many poison pill that
    even EB folks were opposing the bill.

    I respect your opinion. CIR failed in 2006. But if Democrats do bring the CIR up again and it fails again, it doesnot look good upon them either. So the hope is that they will check the feasibility of passing. And, we(EB folks) may have a chance to piggy back with the Undocumented and latino lobby.

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  • rajeshalex
    08-17 11:01 AM
    Where is it mentioned that LC sub has been rejected ? I looked at the link and
    I couldnt find any thing.



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  • arkrish68
    02-10 08:43 PM
    There was a soft LUD on mine as well as on my wife's I-485 :D. Mine was filed in NSC on July 2nd 2007 and transferred to CSC for receipts and transferred back to NSC :confused:. Currently mine is not within the priority date :confused: . Not sure why there is sudden LUD this month :eek:.

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  • GCard_Dream
    04-13 01:09 PM
    so you don't see a difference in how a private organization and a non-profit organization operates. Well here are some:

    1. In your office, you are actually working for your boss and you are getting paid to do what they want you to do. I don't remember getting any pay check from IV. In fact, I have written several checks to IV. This doesn't mean I can post whatever I want but as long as I am following IV guidelines, I shouldn't get harassed by folks like you who think that their post is the only important post.

    2. If you don't do what you are told at work, they'll fire your a&& and you wouldn’t know how to pay your bills next month. That's why the CEO or your boss don't have to send you a one liner before they take any decision.

    As far as I know, IV is just a group of people coming together to address a problem which is shared by all members. I know that some people have worked harder than others and some people have contributed more than others but everyone has contributed one way or the other. So for you to come out and say that you are the only one doing all the work and others are just doing nothing and some how you are the CEO of this organization is just beyond my imagination. May be it's time you wake up and smell the coffee.

    In your office do you ask your CEO/VPs to first send you a one liner before he takes a decision on your project? Think about it

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  • Sakthisagar
    10-28 09:49 AM
    Yes I agree, our history and way of working is also different maybe better/worse, but defenitely way more experience! I don't think I would want to change any thing about family , friend relations and the way we help each other. Even some of the ways we think, has a lot of advantages.
    we always manage to get things done. There are a lot of unseen riches that are not realized completely.
    we should defenitely avoid aping the west, but pick the good stuff out of it.
    being open minded and having freedom of expression is good up to a certain point!

    There is freedom and education even in India, I agree infrastructure needs improvement.
    India is 3rd in the world if you account for purchasing power parity. Don't trash India so soon. have you looked at how people lived in the US 40-50 years back? While I agree Indian IT should do more quality work and treat employees fairly. He no longer works with Infy, he just made generic comments.

    There is no freedom and especially education in India. in US even if you are a 60 year old you can join a university but in India things are different. Freedom, what kind of freedom you are talking about. with the political idiots creating havocs for high thinking people. Hey come to reality do not dream
    This time is different, I do work in the financial industry.
    I would hate to say this - but was every recovery in the last 2 decades mostly due to a bubble that was created - dot-com, low interest, housing?
    There are not many bubbles left to create, and the debt was never this high.

    Recovery is bloked mainly do to Politics understand that first.

    The growth of India should be more compared to Canada, that has a conservative financial system with lot of regulation. AKA no vegas.

    Again never compare Canada with India, India is Unique and I am not putting my Motherland on Trash, You are in a way doing that, by comparing it with Canada and USA.
    STOP religious Conversion and propoganda all over the world all the countries will live happily.

    08-16 10:24 AM
    I'm also suffering like you for years but doing a RE-FILE just for managing bad odds is not reasonable. If they reject your application - You should be able to resend it from FEDEX/USPS signature and receipt Notice even after Aug 17th.

    I'm not a lawyer and i've nothing against Rajaiv Khanna but on a general i'm advising you that " Any lawyer wants their clients case get complicated and convoluted". By doing this you/we are just complicating our case and offering "Money making" potential to already Rich , Wealthy ,Cut throat Lawyers.

    Don't you agree ?


    I am going to share with you what I have done regarding refilling and why I have done that.

    Call me a paranoid or something else but the fact of the matter is that time period between July 2nd and Aug 17th is a golden opportunity that may not present itself for several years now.

    Though the chances of my application getting rejected due to mail room error is less but in the game of probability everyone of us stand equal chances of getting hit by a thunder bolt.

    Just a side note - They install lightning rod on buildings to protect from lightening even though chances are 1 in 700,000. Well, my odds are much worse than that. Hence, I need to protect myself.

    Regarding filling multiple 485 applications, Rajeev Khanna has categorically stated in one of his meetings that he is doing it. And we all know he is a person of good reputation.

    There are two scenarios I can think about:
    a) My July 2nd is accepted: In such cases either my later filled application is automatically rejected or they will send me a letter asking me to choose one.

    Someone on one of his/her post had mentioned about stop payment idea. He may have a point. Call USCIS and you will find out that only thing they will do is reject your application, which is what you want if your earlier application is already in process.

    Somebody also stated just like what they did in H-1B cases on 04/02/07, they may reject both applications, well; H-1B case was different due to lottery system.

    b) My July 2nd application is rejected: Well, I just protected myself from a thunder bolt.

    Having suffered in Green Card race for so long, my risk taking capacity has greatly been reduced. I am not advising or urging anyone to take any action. I am just sharing what I did.

    06-19 03:58 PM
    Guys Got approved today morning........... Thanks to everyone on this forum for infinite information........... Will be back when ready for the Citizenship application..................:D

    Congratulations on your approval!

    Why will you be back when you are ready for citizenship application?
    I don't think you should leave IV just because your 485 is approved and you are going to get the Green Card soon. IV has done lot for us and we should be supporting IV as long as we can.

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