Thursday, June 23, 2011

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  • ArkBird
    11-01 03:41 AM
    They HAVE TO pay the salary mentioned in your LCA. If not, you can drag them to DOL but you will risk your job and H1B status. I suggest, find another employer, transfer your H! and then kick their a$$. We have suffered enough at the hand of blood sucking desi "consultants".

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  • psaxena
    06-03 06:00 PM
    Nothing gonna happen, USCIS will come to know that you are jobless and you will be deported the next day..

    Why the heck dun you hire a lawyer or just get a 30 min consultation from any lawyer.
    Stop these fake ID...I know who the hell are you. and You know me very well.

    Hi All,
    My company applied 485 and h1b. I am in AOS status and having EAD. My company laid off me on March and they are not revoke my h1b and 140(they may hire me back once get new job). Mean time shall i work hourly job and get around $1200 per month with same job description with using my EAD(new company will run payroll and W2). Also i am keep looking permanent full time job with my higher salary.

    For the hourly job they asking to fill I-9(employment eligibility verification will inform USCIS). On that form asking my A# with EAD expiration date.

    Is there a chance USCIS will know my hourly job?. My concern - this hourly job will create a problem for my GC process (chance to get REF) because rate is low

    Please give me your valuable suggestion


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  • alterego
    02-20 09:44 PM
    Thanks for the correction Googler. I transposed the % into a K value! My bad. However my larger point remains.

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  • gsc999
    07-11 01:34 AM
    Lets take this offline. It will be a shame if we let this sour our success. Let the core team figure this out with USINPAC.

    We sent flowers now we need help with the San Jose peaceful protest. Let us keep the momentum and not loose focus.
    This event is unprecedented, as some member pointed out because it will be this first protest by legal immigrants on such a scale in San Jose, home of the silicon valley.


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  • Radiohead fan Brad Pitt

  • nixstor
    09-06 10:21 PM
    IMHO, Any one will not get the accent because of training. One will come closer to the accent only over time. How ever, it will never be perfect.

    On the flip side, why would any Highly Skilled Immigrant working in American companies want to learn "accent" off of work. Their work place offers a lot than the website suggested.

    Am I feeding a troll? I guess..

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  • sanjay05
    11-16 10:36 PM
    Still no FP. Should I call USCIS?


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  • InTheMoment
    08-12 06:16 PM
    Even when NC is pending the actual EB1/2/3 GC is a regular 10 year validity (validity of the card) GC with no annotations/conditions.

    How do you know that your 485 was approved even if NC was pending? Does your GC - physical card or the approval notice/emails - indicate that your approval is contingent on NC?

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  • goel_ar
    12-02 09:44 AM



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  • Outkastpb231
    10-29 06:04 PM
    I'm sorry guys, my skills are not that of a professional, hence the title "Freelance Photoshopper" but I can do a whole website (Not really really really fancy), code, and flash animations.

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  • nomorelogins
    11-27 04:26 PM
    of course you have to feed & take care ( issue ead & ap ), but would you rather get a egg a day or would you prefer to cut it open


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  • go_guy123
    01-12 05:30 AM
    Why is that? What if I have a job offer from a canadian company and they sponsor me?

    canadian companies dont sponser visa

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  • praveenuppaluri
    02-21 10:41 AM
    Hello all

    starting Jan 19th 2010, all the previous forms for non-immigrant visa (DS 156, 157 and 158) are removed and one single form DS 160 is introduced. I am trying to fill that for my parents and this form is an online form and one of the questions in page 1 is "your full name in native alphabet". I remember filling that for my H1 previously where I take the printouts and write my name in that box in my native language. the new form however doesn't let you save or move forward with an empty box. the only other option there is "do not apply" and not sure if that is the right way of doing it (right now its the only way I can fill this form)

    anyone who filled this form recently - can you please share what you did?



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  • waitin_toolong
    11-30 08:57 AM
    The emails are sent only when there is a status change not for updates and the delays in the emails are at least at this time due to the fact that they are not updating the status immediately but mailing the documents first.

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  • 4move
    10-19 10:25 PM
    One of my family member went through this, in a routine medical exam (this was not for immigration office) and he referred us to a infectious disease control specialist. After chest x-rays and several other tests the specialist mentioned that tb screening test can be positive some times for BCG vaccination or exposure to TB bacteria from a person who has active TB. This is not a disease (called latent tb), but there is 5% chance that it could develop into a active TB disease (in case the positive was because of exposure to TB bacteria. Initially, he prescribed Isoniazid (300mg), which has severe lever side effects, for 9 months with blood exam to monitor lever function. But, she could not tolerate this medicine even for 5days because of several other side effects (lever funtion test was normal though). Then he switched her to Rifamfin (600mg) for 4 months. There was not any noticeable side effects of this, and level function tests was after 2 weeks for the first time and once in two months after that. But one thing to note that TB screen test would be +ve rest of the life after this and you need to carry a certificate from this physican that you have completed this course of medicine and nothing needs to be done. Hope this helps.

    Can anyone point me to any documentation for physicians that suggests repeated follow-ups even after the medical report has been signed, sealed and submitted to the immigration office?

    As with a lot of applicants from India, I tested positive for tuberculin because of the type of immunization we receive and had the requisite skin test and chest x-rays done. After this the doctor signed the medical report and gave me the sealed envelope. He has then put me on a 6-month medication program for tuberculosis. The medication is quite strong and is supposed to affect the liver. He also wants me to come in on a regular basis (and spend $80 every time) to get blood work done to "make sure the medication is in my blood stream".

    I am not sure why I am being put on this medication for such a long period as I don't have tuberculosis. When I questioned my doctor, he said it was necessary - not giving any more details.

    Have others gone through such an experience? Am I a source of residual income for his office?

    Thanks in advance,


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  • newbie2020
    11-26 05:15 PM
    BTW , Raja Krishnamoorthi is a very close friend of Barack Obama. He is currently competing for State Comptroller (A public position) in IL.

    He had personally visited the president at his oval office so folks if someone thinks he can help he surely can help.

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  • javadeveloper
    10-21 10:54 PM
    140 APPROVED.

    In addition to the first RFE as above,i received one more RFE.In the second RFE they mentioned that education and experience satisfies labour,but wanted more documents from company to prove A2P.Company sent tax returns and got the approval in 6 days.Yet to receive the notice.

    Good luck to all waiting for approval.

    Congrats!!!Any Idea about minimum salary requirement for Eb2 position?


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  • sparky_jones
    03-15 03:29 PM
    Hi attorneys/seniors,
    Getting confused about the online status.
    Today morning my employer got mail from VSC saying that their received date is 03/12/2010
    Status check online by 10:30 AM(03/15/2010)
    Status:Initial Review
    Date received shown:03/12/2010

    Status check online by 1:00 PM(03/15/2010)
    Date received shown:03/15/2010

    Status went back from Inital review to Acceptance and date also changed from 03/12/2010 to 03/15/2010.

    Got confused.
    How it works normally?

    Online case status can be confusing and sometimes incorrect. Your employer has paid for premium processing, which entitles them to contact USCIS through dedicated premium processing channels. They respond very quickly on these channels. Urge your employer to contact them, if there are any doubts about the status.

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  • WeShallOvercome
    10-30 01:39 PM
    Can anybody tell what does ^^^^bump^^^^ mean. Is it that the message is deleted by someone, or moved elsehwhere?

    The threads are displayed on the web page in the descending order of the last update time. People just write SOMETHING in a thread to keep it on the top of the page and prevent it from going on to the 2nd page.

    Most people use 'Bump" to bump the thread up :), but it can be anything

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  • jest_1
    08-12 11:04 AM
    What about a scenario like this.. If you had some gaps (less than 180 days), but left and re-entered and then filed your I-485. Would it still be an issue or does 245k cover this scenario ?

    08-09 01:13 PM
    The top reason would be-

    "We are the USCIS".

    What say?

    00. It's style - USCIS style.

    08-10 01:44 AM
    And please dont tie even this post again asking him to contribute. Contribution is a different issue. Atleast there are some other things that doesn't need financial contribution but organizational contribution.

    Regarding contribution which of the following options apply to you?

    * How do you contribute to IV?
    A. Money
    B. Time (Volunteer and/or participate in IV action items)
    C. Both A & B
    D. I am NOT one of those who MAKE THINGS HAPPEN. I would like others to fight for my cause. I am waiting for things to happen.
    E. Well, I visit IV just for forums so that my questions are answered. Period.
    F. I am waiting for Oct 07 visa bulletin. If dates retrogress past my PD then I will ask IV core to do something for me.

    If you can't contribute financially there are other ways to contribute. This is not a commercial forum/website. Apart from lobbying efforts, members' contribution cover the cost of hosting this website.

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