Thursday, June 23, 2011

gareth gates 2010

images beating Gareth Gates into gareth gates 2010. Suzanne Gates and Gareth Gates
  • Suzanne Gates and Gareth Gates

  • Soul
    02-13 04:31 AM
    Oh wow a tie, thats kinda cool :beam:

    Congrats Eilsoe :bounce:

    Well done everyone else too, I liked all the entries :)

    This has got to be the biggest battle yet, most entries, most quality and most votes! :)

    - Soul :goatee:

    wallpaper Suzanne Gates and Gareth Gates gareth gates 2010. Gareth Gates#39;s pictures:
  • Gareth Gates#39;s pictures:

  • arnab221
    05-29 04:38 PM
    They will make H1b visa holders wears arm bands like the Nazis made jews wear . Then they will make us live in ghettos and drive us out all at once . :( How much worse can this get .

    gareth gates 2010. Gareth Gates plays Marius
  • Gareth Gates plays Marius

  • Kitiara
    02-13 05:05 AM
    I can scarcely believe it... Although I have to say that it would have been impossible to choose between the two entries. Perhaps this is the fairest result in the end. :)

    Actually, I think results from three battles need to be put up - this one, the cartoon characters one and the line art one. Are there any more that haven't had the reults officially put up?

    2011 Gareth Gates#39;s pictures: gareth gates 2010. Gareth Gates performing in
  • Gareth Gates performing in

  • Carlau
    01-10 10:31 PM
    We can demand a purple card for any techworker who had worked and paid taxes and contributed to Social Security and medicare for three continuous years. This card should allow free travel and work permit for spouse. Counterpart of blue card for illegals......Once the priority date becomes current and adjustment of status is complete, purple card is replaced by green card !!!!!!!!

    Dish: The idea is great, if you go to the link that I posted (the official link to that proposed legislation) you will see that they talk about all the non immigrant visas and their spouses and minor children, so they should add all those same things under the H-1B parragraph in the part talking about the rights of the H-1B dependants. I do not know exactly how from a conversatioin between us goes to the IV core, and then to QGA, and then to the Senate, but anyways, this is a start.


    gareth gates 2010. Gareth Gates
  • Gareth Gates

  • aug2007
    05-31 05:06 PM

    gareth gates 2010. gareth gates 2010. gareth
  • gareth gates 2010. gareth

  • BharatPremi
    11-06 10:43 AM

    I had INFOPASS appointment today. We reached 15 minutes before scheduled time. 8101 N Stemmns Fwy - Building does not have visible number "8101" but large "Department of Homeland Security" board is easily visible. At the entrance we showed our infopass appointment letter and Guard told us to stand in a queue behind racks. I saw 2 different queues nearer to Window so curiously I asked the fellow who was right ahead of me and he told me that the queue where we stand is meant for people who have not taken appointment and other queue right across the window is meant for people who have taken an appointment. There are no sign boards for these 2 different queues. Guard misguided us so all in all we wasted 5 to 7 minutes I came out from that queue and stand in the right queue again. At the window I was asked for Driving license and purpose of the appointment. I showed driving license and told we filed AP in July, 1* but have not received it. He demanded I-131 receipts and I represented them. Then he gave us tag numbers for all family members including myself. Then we moved towards the main entrance of the bulding. Guard instructed us to remove wallet,pen, anything we had in our pockets, purse,belt etc (Cell phones are not allowed inside the building) and put in one bucket which was scanned through the machine like available on airports. We had to walk through metal detector and then took possesion of our belongings and then waited in the waiting room for approximately 15 minutes. As our tag number appears on the electronic board with assigned counter number, we went to the counter. Lady officer greeted us and asked the purpose of the appointment and again I represented infopass appointment letter and I-131 receipts and told her that I have not received our advanced parole yet although we filed on July 1*. She dived into her computer and said your all Advanced parole are already approved on 10/1*/07 (Which was the date of first (And only one) LUD on our APs) and already mailed to you so she can not issue either "Original" or "duplicate" Advanced parole. According to her I should be receiving them any day now. She herself wanted me to give me the info about EAD status without myself asking so I told her that we already received our EADs and then she asked me, do I have any question for her and I said yes, what would be our name check status and she again digged into computer.According to her my Name check is still pending and I should inquire again after 4 months by taking another infopass appointment. Upon my further digging she told me that if everything is "generally clean" then 4 months is a standard period to get name check clear so she suggested me "inquire after 4 months". According to her my family has already cleared name check.



    gareth gates 2010. gareth gates 2010.
  • gareth gates 2010.

  • wellwishergc
    04-10 09:02 PM
    I agree with bharnik..

    Perhaps, we are looking at things through the same perspective that everybody is looking at. Remember that the senators and congressmen include clauses what are provided by people like us or by businesses; for instance - the wording of the amendment that Senator Borwnback brought about, should have been a combination of materials from IV and other sources. I am sure that very few congressmen/leaders know what I-485 process or EAD actually means. People like us who are affected by the GC process have these form numbers and the corresponding processes on the top of our head. I suspect this is the case with the senators/congressmen or their staff, since 'legal immigration' is just 1 topic out of the numerous topics that they have to deal with.

    So, I re-iterate that we need to work on things simultaneously. If one group is working through the congress, another group should target the agencies such as DOL, Service Centers.

    I think, it is much easier for DOL or Service centers to bring about a 'memorandum' within the legal boundaries of the existing law; to best put it, to change the interpretations.

    It is the same with the current bill under debate. It will take years before each and every aspect of the bill, once passed, is intrepreted and implemented. In the meanwhile some may get lucky by a certain interpretation, some may not. - until the final interpretation is confirmed.

    IV has the clout now to approach agencies, explain to them our argument and see if we are able to convince them for short-term reliefs. It is just a matter of trying.


    Thanks for the link to the summary. But therein itself lies the solution. As you can see from the summary, the EAD eligibility in all cases explained above is in cases which does not impact the GC quota. Apparently, people against whom removal process is initiated is eligible to receive an EAD!!! Also, as you mentioned in your post, the CFR is not a law, it is an interpretation of law made by the agencies and the agencies are free to change the applicability, extension, conditions of eligibility for EAD as they seem fit. The reason is because COngress never foresaw these huge wait times when they passed the INA (in fact our FAQs make that pretty clear). I think if a little bit of persuasion is applied by the right people to the right places, we may just make this work. I agree with Raj, maybe we should take this a bit farther and see what develops.

    Another compelling reason for doing this is the fact that even if the CIR were to be passed, by the time the agencies develop their regulations we are easily looking at another 2 yrs plus before we see the effects of the CIR.

    I guess I am done on this topic. It was just a thought that I felt should be put out there for discussion.

    2010 Gareth Gates plays Marius gareth gates 2010. beating Gareth Gates into
  • beating Gareth Gates into

  • kode
    02-22 08:40 PM
    posted by sheep
    likely story
    lol :P

    besides i wouldn't agreed if you already had the castle .. :-\


    gareth gates 2010. Theatre, Rhyl 2010
  • Theatre, Rhyl 2010

  • rajeshalex
    08-05 09:44 PM
    PD Dec 2004 /EB2
    140 pending since July 07

    hair Gareth Gates performing in gareth gates 2010. Gareth Gates – Skeletons
  • Gareth Gates – Skeletons

  • gianik
    05-25 01:20 PM
    MET3259- Thanks for the Post. It was great.
    Could you address my quiestion regarding "low" wages. How "low" are they and what does 'low" mean in Canada, relative to cost of living and especially real estate prices. Can you afford to buy a decent house or apartments in average salary?



    gareth gates 2010. gareth gates 2010. radosav
  • gareth gates 2010. radosav

  • willigetgc?
    04-14 08:13 AM
    Maybe getting the Latino's :( will force congress/democrats to take action on immigration, this being an election year!!!!!!!!!!!

    hot Gareth Gates gareth gates 2010. Gareth Gates#39;s pictures: PNG
  • Gareth Gates#39;s pictures: PNG

  • pkv
    08-31 07:00 PM
    How was the response? I have contacted the following " The Hindu, Deccan chronicle and some telugu and kannada newspapers and TV news channels" so far no responses, I am planning to speak to my dad and his friends (they retired from the news media recently) to get some responses, but whats the point. The July 2nd fiasco was very well publicized in India, rural India too, even a small village or mandal office issuing birth certificates knew abt the visa bulletin and its reversal!!! and what do we have now...non committal friends who are not interested to come to the rally and some even make fun of it!!

    Anyways lets keep trying...

    Its useless... How many senators, their voters or other decision makers watch those kannada, telugu or even rediff???
    Try to contact FOX, CNN, ABC etc.. that will be helpfull.


    house Gareth Gates shown here at the gareth gates 2010. gareth gates 2010.
  • gareth gates 2010.

  • sobers
    04-03 09:51 AM
    I didn't webfax but sent my state's US Senators a message through their official portal (I had recieved a response last time I did that). I also followed up with a phone call to their offices.

    tattoo gareth gates 2010. gareth gareth gates 2010. Gareth Gates and his wife
  • Gareth Gates and his wife

  • Kitiara
    02-10 09:21 AM
    Oooo, this is going to be <i>close</i>! ;)


    pictures gareth gates 2010. gareth gates 2010. gareth gates 2010.
  • gareth gates 2010.

  • sdrblr
    08-17 10:08 PM
    still waiting patiently :)....

    dresses Gareth Gates#39;s pictures: PNG gareth gates 2010. house Gareth Gates
  • house Gareth Gates

  • Suva
    05-11 01:56 PM
    I have the same question. Recapture bill can be added as an amendment. Is any of IV's provisions there in the bill?

    Any idea if any of IV provisions (like recapture) being included in the bill?


    makeup Theatre, Rhyl 2010 gareth gates 2010. Gareth Gates shown here at the
  • Gareth Gates shown here at the

  • JazzByTheBay
    09-21 01:08 PM
    Noticed you joined in September 2007, and this is your 5th post. Welcome to IV!

    Were you present at the rally? I'm guessing you weren't.

    IV represents high-skilled, educated, professionals - most of us don't expect to see major changes happen overnight. We do not expect the United States Congress, or the Senate, or the White House to fall in love with our cause instantly and issue us green cards by the weekend!

    Nevertheless, the process of educating lawmakers, the media, and the country should continue.

    The rally was just another step, albeit a significant one. It's symbolism isn't lost on anyone who attended. A significant number of meetings were held on lobby day.


    Ok, I've seen a lot of threads about go to the rally, actions items, I've reading a lot of guys saying dont ask for your receipt status, dont waste your time etc, etc.

    Yes we did the rally we were great with all those signs, and appearing in the Indy TV but...

    Question remains open:

    1. When are they going to increase the GC quota?
    2. When congress id going to do something?

    I've the feeling that that's it we made our point but we are still with no GC, waiting receipts..............

    girlfriend Gareth Gates and his wife gareth gates 2010. GARETH GATES

  • gk_2000
    11-02 10:47 PM
    Well, at least the bill has been introduced in senate. And if it fails then perhaps peacemeal will happen

    hairstyles gareth gates 2010. radosav gareth gates 2010. gareth gates 2010. what does a
  • gareth gates 2010. what does a

  • vandanaverdia
    09-09 02:37 PM
    My husband & me are flying from Seattle to DC. We have also signed up for volunteering on Sunday & Lobby Day on Monday.Look forward to seeing everyone in DC.

    DC.... here we come....!!!!

    09-05 10:54 PM
    Folks who are yet to decide, ACT FAST and book your tickets. More than 100's of folks are joining from Northern CA itself. Its going to be a historic event. Dont miss it !!!

    If you need financial assistance to join the rally, please vote your requirement in the following poll

    I request all the folks who have booked their tickets from CA to vote in this poll....


    04-13 01:43 PM
    My GC application is buried somewhere, had a vey bad week at work with piling up workload and closing on deadlines, my child as a cold, my neighbor's dog has an infection that shows up smelling foul in my front porch, it is going to snow and rain this weekend, May visa bulletin is released, EB-2 India has not moved up; topping all these there are some nimcompoohs here fighting out in a public forum about how incapable we all are to change the federal laws! God, have some mercy. Give some time to IV moderators and me some power to permanently ban these people to write to any immigration forums I read. At least give me my GC soon so I don't visit IV as often I do now and come across these kinds.

    As two of the more senior members on this forum, please set a good example for others...not this.

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