Wednesday, June 22, 2011

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  • nixstor
    01-11 12:40 AM
    I am not sure what your health insurance situation with your employer is. Here is some thing I know. Please research and see whether this helps.

    Under HIPPA regulations, insurance companies cannot decline pregnancy as pre existing condition if you and your spouse are covered by group coverage. Generally, group coverage is the coverage you get from your employer. If you currently do not have health insurance through your employer, try to sneak into the plan now as most employers will have open enrollment period during Jan/Feb of each year. If you try to buy individual coverage from a HMO/PPO, those insurance companies can mercilessly decline maternity coverage.

    If you get into group coverage, no matter what trimester your wife is in, insurance companies WILL have to cover the maternity as per the plan choose.

    Please investigate and let us know what you find.

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  • rsayed
    04-14 11:34 AM
    I remember I read this somewhere (on one of the forum threads on IV) - that the only dates movement (if any) for EB-2 (India) will be only during Oct'07 (when the new financial year begins).

    Until then, I guess there is no point in checking these Visa Bulletins; Only difference is when one of the pro-immigrant Bills in the Senate or House get passed.

    For now, best strategy is to follow IV Core's directives - they have always been on top of things (going by the past one year or so), and seem to know more than most of us.

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  • JunRN
    08-25 06:33 PM
    To tell you honestly, my primary reason for joining this forum is to learn from others' experiences - whether it be good or bad.

    I can also see the opinion of others regarding matters of my personal and general interests. It is my own judgment to believe some of it or not.

    Joining the rally or givin' contribution is last in my interest as I do not have a job yet and no income.

    We should start respecting one's opinion and one's life. Each of us has its own case and unique to each other. My suggestion to those inviting to the rally or seeking for contribution to do it via private message. That is a nice way of doing it.

    When somebody starts a thread that you do not like, just ignore it instead of posting 'close this thread'. The thread has a life of its own. If it is not popular, then it will go down to the bottom of the line. If it is very interesting, many will subscribe to it and you will find it at the first page.

    Cheers to all...we all have our own problems...some are here just to find comfort...

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  • JunRN
    12-18 09:46 PM
    Fraud is usually about lie. If you hide a material fact from USCIS, that is a lie by ommision; and becomes a fraud if it was done intentionally. Changing employment while on EB GC application is a material fact and would matter much when USCIS decides on your case.

    Usually, this kind of ommision is found out when the individual applies for another immigration benefit or for Naturalization.


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  • nefrateedi
    08-23 12:33 PM
    Yes sir, I do. I am suffering for 8 years now because of all these stupid USCIS rules. They think that by changing name from INS to USCIS things will change. Well, got a news for all, it is in worst shape than ever.
    So far as you are concerned sir, are planning on joining us or not.

    Well, it's the bitter truth that a lot of people have been suffering now for a while. Unfortunately in this person's case, it's not the USCIS that messed up, it was the lawyer... Now you're going to come back with something like "It's because of USCIS' stupid rule of not accepting applications when priority dates are not current", but guess what...that's part of the've got to play by the rules!!!...agreed that it would be wonderful if a lot of the rules changed, and IV is doing a great job in trying to make this happen!

    By the way, what's your explanation for the rude comment? We all understand that you're an ardent supporter of IV's efforts, and that's awesome, but that doesn't mean you can put other people down...

    To answer your question, yes, I am doing my best to ensure that I'm able to make it to the rally...but just some food for thought... in the event that a person is not able to make it to the rally for some reason, it does not give you ANY RIGHT WHATSOEVER to go about bashing them in the way that you are...

    Good luck!

    p.s. It's mam, not sir.... :cool:

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  • raysaikat
    04-10 12:32 AM
    So either they hire and pay and make their responsibility to find job or don't file for H1b's


    That is already the law. But this law has been proved to be virtually impossible to enforce. The only practical solution is to deny H1-B's to consulting firms (at least for the positions that require the employee to work at the client location).


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  • purgan
    02-20 03:10 PM
    Good find.

    Maybe this will help the struggling economy....Greenspan said last week that we need to allow immigration of more skilled workers to stave of recession

    One thing the country could do to improve things is to allow more immigration of skilled workers.

    "Significantly opening up immigration to skilled workers solves two problems," he said. The companies could hire the educated workers they need. And those workers would compete with high-income people, driving more income equality, he said.

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  • Beemar
    01-25 10:52 AM
    Tri-Valley University Faculty Members (
    Dr.Susan Xiao-Ping Su Tri-Valley University (

    Founder is Chinese. Most of the faculty is also Chinese.

    This is fantastic :). Indians are still stuck with hole-in-the-wall body shops, and the chinese have an entire university to beat the immigration hurdles. Chinese genius is far superior.


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  • Tito_ortiz
    11-17 10:58 AM
    Great. I wish I had an employer like that !

    I was denied life insurance by Erie based on my non-immigrant status. However, my employer found an alternative insurance company that did not mind my non-immigrant status - but of course charged a premium for the "added risk caused by foreign citizenship and increased possibility of foreign travel".

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  • InTheMoment
    08-15 02:42 PM
    Two things I would like to mention here:

    First, a possibilty of an RFE for your laetest Employment Verification only arises when certain red-flags are raised. Among them are:

    1.) Address on file (which has changed after filing I-485) is in a different state from the place of employment. Now I am sure the officer knows that DC and Virginia/Maryland or NH and MA are different states but still they can be daily commuter workers sou could be spared.
    I have seen more than a bunch of folks getting RFE's for this specific reason.

    2.) Long time (upto the discretion of the CAO..but I feel it is more than 18 months) has passed since the I-485 has filed.

    3.) Any other history of excessive job-hopping.

    Please pitch in if you know any other substantive reason.


    For the job description from the new employer: I would say put whatever the new employer says but make sure ...for sure to copy paste two related sentences from your old job desc. into the new one to be the first bullets in the description.

    I had changed jobs using AC21, used EAD, moved to a different state (5-6 states apart, i.e not a daily commuter) had a slightly different job title. Oh I was so sure that I would get an RFE ...I made sure I sent the AC21 docs against the advise of my attorney (he wanted CIS to send the RFE, made no sense as that would have literally wasted time and my money ;))...and did all the things that I just said about the new EVL...and got the I-485 approved without any issues.

    Go ahead and make the best of AC21!:)


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  • h1techSlave
    04-21 01:18 PM
    There is no "Prince William County" in Maryland. List of counties in Maryland - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (

    What we have is a "Prince George's County", which joined the 287 g program in December 2009. St. Mary's County Joins Controversial Federal Immigration Initiative - Southern Maryland Headline News (

    The article may be talking about "Prince William County" in Virginia, which is participating in 287 g program since 2/26/2008.
    Partners (

    PS: I used to be IV donor and also used to contribute my time on IV initiatives. But after seeing that IV is more of an Illegal-immigration Voice rather than Immigration voice, I have stopped my monetary contributions. Hope things will change.

    Here is some analysis from Immigration Policy Center
    How Much Will Arizona's Immigration Bill (SB1070) Cost?

    April 21, 2010


    Also in 2007, the county supervisors in Prince William County, Maryland were unwilling to move forward with the police enforcement portion of an immigration law after they found that the price tag would be a minimum of $14 million for five years.



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  • pete
    12-13 04:12 PM
    What makes you this guys advocate?

    A lot of us can do and will do many things. Your argument does not stand ground. I dont ahave anything against this guy. I have a problem with the system that permits this activity. Because its not fair. By the way I seriously doubt this happens to people in my situation. This is typical of "desi consultant companies". So once again pontiff i dont have a grudge against this guy but the system that allows this to take place.


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  • n2b
    12-28 10:29 AM
    Hello Guys,

    I am planning to utilize AC21. My PD is OCT 2005, EB2 India, I-140 was approved in June 2006 and I-485 filed on 2nd July 2007.

    The question I have is if my current employer can do anything, I mean anything at all, now?

    Thank you.

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  • needhelp!
    01-17 11:46 AM
    guys please vote for encouragement


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  • logiclife
    12-12 12:58 PM
    im waiting for the groans and moans

    You wont be disappointed.

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  • rameshk75
    02-12 06:25 PM
    Hi Shana,

    Just came home from work and logged back. My scenario:

    - I have my H1 until Sep'09.
    - If i change the employer will i get an extension for 3yrs based on the approved 140?
    - Do i need to file 140 again with the new employer?

    Thanks in advance


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  • BlueCard
    07-17 11:08 AM
    Man, I-485 for Texas went back more than a month. It's so bad, they might as well not have published it, one would have slept better at night.

    How do they come up with these dates? Weren't they supposed to process I-485 applications in the order they received them?

    And how come the California Service Center has been doing so well this past few months, while all the other centers have been stationary or going back. CSC is at January 2007 now, fer cryin' out loud!


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  • Meenal
    06-17 12:30 PM
    Thanks Snathan!

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  • maristella61
    12-11 02:08 PM
    Sorry if this has been addressed before but I'm not really sure how the FBI name check works.
    Is that something we all go through or is it at random? Where can we go to see if we are in the process of going through that or if we have gotten passed it already.
    Thanks for your help as always.

    09-30 04:53 PM

    AP E filing needs us to enter teh USCIS office that our application is peninding..

    How to get that...My receipt number starts with SRC

    A receipt number starting with SRC usually means that the receipt was issued by the Texas Service Center. However, at this moment, the case could be pending at any other center it USCIS transferred it.

    Use your receipt number to lookup the case status on the USCIS website. The status will tell you where your case is pending.

    Use this link to lookup your case: -

    01-27 05:01 PM
    Your case is a bit different, I am not sure if you could avoid paying back as GC process is for your benefit so a company could request a pay-back, even though amount is a bit high and you did not get anything in return. I would compare it to a situation where company gives an employee a laptop and expect person to return it when s/he leaves a company.
    helloh1's clause is different - company receives benefits by training its employees so it's just plain wrong to request a pay back in that case.
    So just forget about it and move on, we all make mistakes and here in the US those mistakes usually cost money.

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