Thursday, June 23, 2011

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  • BharatPremi
    11-30 05:10 PM
    IV Team,

    Thanks for this much eagerly waited update. Now I can again start quoting Shakespeare's famous quot "What's in a name?" again

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  • priderock
    06-27 04:50 PM
    By the way I took lots of photos in 2004 from Sears for Marriage proposals. Yeah I got marry last year because I sent Good quality photo to my in-law family. You see you get what you pay for..


    I am sure SEARS pictures are great.

    Hope your in-laws are not disappointed when they saw you in person :) :).... No ... I am just kidding .......No offense meant :):).... I am sure they like you and that is why you are married happily now :) Just wanted to bring a lighter moment tho this stingy thread.

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  • BharatPremi
    11-06 04:29 PM
    That was a good account for those who haven't been to an Infopass. The procedure is near about the same where I usually go too.

    I think that the AP info that you got is good...but the serendiptious (!) info of your and your family's NameCheck status bears good info/benefit in the longer term.

    As for the 4 months thing, she is right if we go by FBI stat papers and testimonies given over the past few years; but what I find most interesting is that 7 out of the 8 people who I personally know, and who filed with me in June still have their NC pending as of this week. That does not include me whose NC is pending for past 4.5 months (since my info was sent to FBI!).

    So the dataset is small but challenging. I am sure there are many like me. Wonder why I find many whose NC is pending in the 4-6 month range and very few (of the 68% - per FBI) whose have got it cleared in the so called 48-72 hours (after the info is sent to FBI) ! :confused:

    Yes, I am not taking her words as unwritten law as we all know that NC is killing many people for years. So I would request to take that as a guide line.

    Another meaning I can extract is if today you took infopass for NC and got nothing or "pending" do not bother yourself next 4 months for inquiry.

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  • vik123
    08-15 01:20 PM
    could you please share who received your app? Mine reached at 8:26AM on 2nd July too.


    I don't know as my lawyer sent the papers and he told me only about the time it reached at NSC.


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  • gcsngh
    09-19 08:52 PM
    :eek::rolleyes:Come on DC revoultionaries, grow up and be reasonable with Anna, he had a few questions, respond if you can in a discrete manner:rolleyes:

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  • Hydro
    03-10 11:59 PM
    Helo Im messaging from India,

    I found this site useful so I joined in here, but since they did not have India in the listing I added Calfornia. I have a F2B immigration visa pending filed by my parents in the US. I had interview in Chennai, India on Sep 2007. I fell short of some docs and submitted those on 28 Dec 2007 and was given 221g and told my case will be held up due to administrative processing.

    I wanted to know if this new name check ruling helps me in any way. Also how long more should I expect to wait for the visa.




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  • UncleSam
    11-26 03:15 PM
    Hey, give PKAK a break after all dreaming is what brought us all here!

    Keep dreaming buddy, I do that too.

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  • goel_ar
    12-20 01:21 PM
    NY never picks up call (passport, pio & receptions) or replies to mail.
    Wait times in person are horrible - 5-6 hours. only 1 person to serve all the people for passports, pio /oci cards etc.
    Their turnaround time is pretty good.

    I prefer to deal with via postal even though it is walkable distance from my work.


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  • aachoo
    02-14 12:32 PM
    Is it a people manager or product manager category? Any idea what documents do you need for EB1?

    Not a people manager AFAIK. I think it is a group lead position but no poeple manager responsibility.

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  • mblueocean
    07-07 03:46 AM

    One way to get media attention is digg this article. Its already on the first page we need lot more diggs to make it topmost. _immigration_practices


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  • rajuram
    08-01 10:00 PM
    The key is that....there should not be substantial difference in the job duties and the responsibilities.

    what do 180 days start, RN date or notice date?

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  • ken
    09-30 12:04 PM
    Thanks Ebizash. Yes I too have soft lud's on my wife AP on 9/25 and 9/28. I sent it to NSC. Yes the same barcode scanning reason was told to me by USPS. I hope that USCIS recieved the documents.

    Thanks again for putting some light on this


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  • jasguild
    07-16 11:09 PM
    I hear what you are saying. I am just saying this is a band aid solution.


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  • H1BLegal95
    12-13 05:19 PM
    I tried to recruit 3 guys with 7-8 yrs of experience. We already have a 12 member offshore team...the average asking rate (H1s and citizens) is 90K ..H1B quota restriction is working in our favor very much. Market rate for IT professionals has increased quite handsomely..put ur resume out to dice or monster and see for urselves.


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  • helloh1
    01-26 06:19 PM
    hey lazycis.... thanks for the pdf. Its very informative and relieving too.

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  • xbohdpukc
    03-18 01:49 PM
    Hello Everybody
    This is my first post. I worked my ass off to get a favorable
    solution for retrogression during the budget bill. But as everyone knows it was defeated in the house reconcilation. I'm not being pessimistic but my gut feeling is that eventhough senate comes with something, the chances are slim that the house would agree to it. Sensenbrenners bill which house passed has no provisions for EB immigrants and backlogs. I'm pretty sure all of you are aware of Mr. Tancredo's fury against immigrants too.

    Having said that I dont mean we have no way out. We have to work very very hard. We have to raise money and do some hard lobbying. But above all we have to get our employers to back this issue. With all of the above reasons I think it might be a very bad idea to guess we would have any favorable legislation in a shorter span of time. So we have to plan something for a longer period of time and execute it very diligantly, I guess.
    I think Immigrationvoice is on the right path... Lets face it people!!!


    EB immigrants are not a hot political issue with the House, when the illegals are. Nowhere do the house representatives, except Tancredo and the likes, voiced their opposition to expanding EB immigration and providing some sort of relief for people caught in the backlog. I believe that the immigration provisions were dropped from S.1932 just because it was a wrong bill. The pork got chopped off and this pork was too easy to compromise as there were much more important issues to fight for, like drilling in Alaska and Medicare. This bill IS about immigration issues and is about border security issues as well. The fact that Frist's bill drops the very controversial guest worker program can be considered as both a good and a bad thing. It is good since the bill will sail more smoothly through the Senate and hopefully the conference. On the other hand it is bad since Senate representatives in the conference now will not have this guest worker program to trade and drop when House reps will demand to drop something off the bill. To my understanding the way the conferences work, they need to meet somewhere in the middle in between the versions of the bill and since we have the very minimalistic bill passed by the House it is the Senate which will need to compromise and drop provisions from its bill.
    But taking the guest worker program off the bill is a good start I guess.


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  • guyfromsg
    06-27 11:37 PM
    Since lot of people go to Costco for passport photos and the specs are similar I'm using them. Photos look good the place holder for the photos shows the specifications i.e. face size and you can place the photo next to it and verify.

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  • Keeme
    07-13 03:49 PM
    "Long Journey. Finally GC
    by J2GC
    Hi Guys,
    After a long journey of more than Sixteen years in this country, I finally received my GC.
    In short, I came in 1993 on J-1 for my training which took six years, followed by one year on O-1 visa and then J-1 waiver for three and half years in underserved area. Then applied for labor certification in Oct, 2003 EB2, through university, which was approved and then retrogressed. Applied Schedule IIA, approved but also got retrogressed. Got AILA liaison and Senetor involved.
    Applied for EB1 and NIW in July 2008.
    My lawyer was very much involved in the whole process, was very helpful at every step, and wrote letters to USCIS.
    Finally, GC came in April, 2009 and received the cards one week later. My PD Oct 2003.
    During these time, I actually had no problmes at my job or my my wife's job. Brought a house four years ago.
    The main problems were:
    Daughter and son could not apply to state colleges/ medical colleges. (daughter going to med school next month)
    Got stuck in India for renew of H-1 for 2 months!!! (worst time of my life, with my wife and kids in US) I tied every thing from writing letters to calling Ambasador. Not effective.
    Could not go to certain occasions, like death of very close family members, weddings etc.
    However, I kept my cool and prayed and got lot of support from Immigration voice.
    As a small token of appreciation, I am donating $500 .(and will keep on supporting)
    We all are going to get GC, some sooner some later. Just keep on doing you job.
    Thanks you all for all the information and support.
    J2GC (J-1 visa to GC)"

    Congratulations !

    To others,

    How about if IV publishes his brief story( off course with his permission), congratulating him on IV behalf, in all national news paper ( with or w.o his name ) Date of entry, profession, long time wait- reasons and all opportunities he may have missed, couldn't buy house, collage-tution probelms etc and all struggles he has his family might have faced. point by point.

    Money would come from special campaign. NY TIMES, USA TODAY, Chicago Tribune, Washington Post, Miami Herald etc. News paper industry is struggling so won't cost much to buy a half/quarter page with a title - " An untold story of legal immigration" Or similar kind of eye catching title. Not more than 10-12 lines stating thousands others are waiting in line...

    There won't be difficult to get more his kind of cases to run it on regular basis in future.

    Any one ?

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  • 24fps
    02-27 04:59 PM
    It's really strange the surge in non-legal issues threads..
    If the poster had any genuine hope of getting help she wouldn�t be posting it on a forum for foreigners who obviously have no lobbying power and if we did we will be using it for ourselves first.
    Somebody is trying to establish an association between us and drug and other law breaking criminals..
    Time to put these red dots to a good use.. Get�er boys :)

    Lets get over with all the "conspiracy theories", times are tough and people are getting knocked down faster than 10 pins in a bowling ally, IV's brand value is way more than what it use to be, hence traffic/people come in here for redress-els, in no way does the name Immigration Voice directly tell anyone its for Legal based Green Card issues, so people come in here for all and any immigration based issues.

    07-19 05:47 PM
    Hi all legal eagles, advice please

    My case is quite complicated. Here is my situation.

    (1) Applied for I-485 (Adjustment of status) in July 2007. EB2-India category, PD March 2006.
    (2) Wife missed the bus when I applied for I-485. Her papers were not ready at that time.
    (3) Changed job utilizing AC21. So no more H1 status for me. Working on EAD in a new company. Living in US on a pending I-485 status.
    (4) Sent wife to India so that she will not stay in the US on an invalid H4. (After I quit my company, I assumed my H1 and my wife's H4 became automatically invalid because they belonged to my previous company. In any case those H1/H4 have expired too now.).
    (5) I was planning to call wife on a visitor visa. We planned to apply her I-485 once she is in US and dates become current for her.
    (6) Suddenly, my PD is current as per the latest bulletin!! Totally unexpected!!
    (7) Wife can't come back to US on a short notice on a visitor visa because of many pending tasks back at home.

    Now the big question is, is it worthwhile to apply for my wife's I-485 in India through a consular processing route? My understanding is that consular processing does not provide the benefits of EAD and advanced parole. So my wife will anyway have to come to US on a visitor visa. So we may as well apply her I-485 in US itself. At least then our applications will be processed together and she will get the benefits of EAD. And if there are any immigration interviews we can go together too.

    But the risk in this plan is that
    (1) By the time she is back in US the dates may retrogress again.
    (2) Worse, my GC may get approved this month itself, before my wife even has a chance of applying her own I-485, cutting off my wife's chances of getting a dependent GC based on my GC forever.

    Now my hunch is that risk no. 1 is a low risk. Either the dates won't retrogress again, or even if they do, they will move forward in October again. So we can live with that.

    Risk no. 2 is a bigger risk. But can USCIS take a decision on my I-485 petition so quickly. I don't think so. But if it does, then we lovers will be torn apart.

    And lastly, has anybody ever heard of "Follow to join" procedure? What exactly is it and can we utilize it to our benefit?

    07-16 06:29 PM
    Some people die at twenty five and aren't buried until they are seventy five.
    :)... I like that :)... Very poetic too :) Good one !

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