Saturday, February 17, 2007

Congrats, Linds, You're Not Nearly the Biggest Mess

Oh Lohan, remember just two short months ago when you were literally spending nights in hotel hallways and suspicious lengths of time in nightclub bathrooms with anyone and everyone who would join you? Aww, you've come so far, doll! Plus, any wreck you ever made of yourself is nothing compared to Ms.

Spears (not to mention, as much flack as I gave you about leaving rehab all the time, you still beat Brit's under 24 hour stay).

Plus, you look adorable on the set of that new movie. You've even got quite the fan in your co-star/internet celebrity lonelygirl15.

Better yet, we learned today that you are free of your incredibly restricting rehab! Here's more:
"She will continue as an outpatient," Sloane-Zelnick told Access' Michael Lewittes. "She will take it day by day."

"She's in it for the long haul, and she asks that her privacy be respected," the publicist added.

The long term effects of the image overhaul have yet to be seen, but in the meantime, Brava Linds, Brava.

For bigger versions of Linds fueling up just

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