Saturday, February 17, 2007

Your Daily Overdose of Anna Nicole

I thought it would be a little too unromantic to post about Anna Nicole yesterday, so I saved her for today.

TMZ has documents which prove that Anna Nicole Smith purchased Methadone, Demerol (morphine-like drug), Dalmane (sleeping pills) and injectable vials of vitamin B12 when she was 8 months pregnant with Dannielynn. This doesn't prove Anna actually took the drugs though, guys. I mean, c'mon, what if she just thought the bottles were pretty and used them as knick knacks? Or maybe she put little clothes and wigs on them and played with them in a little pharmacy doll house and made Mr. Methadone impregnate Mrs. Demerol to make baby B12. You don't know. Jeez.

Dannielynn's nanny swore under oath that Anna Nicole forced her to underfeed Dannielynn because Anna Nicole wanted to keep Dannielynn "sexy."

According to the sworn affidavit written in the Bahamas on December 4, 2006, Quethlie Alexis claims she received repeated threats from Smith, aka Vickie Marshall, to "underfeed" Dannielynn because, "Ms. Marshall was obsessed with making sure that her baby was 'sexy.' Ms. Marshall knew that the correct amount of baby food was 3 ounces every 3 hours ... Ms. Marshall insisted that the maximum I was to give was 2.5 ounces." Alexis claims that Smith enforced the order by "making sure the baby monitor was kept on all the time." Alexis adds Dannielynn "is badly underweight and not thriving, as a baby should."

3 ounces, 2.5 ounces, whatever. Is there really a limit on sexy? It's not like there were flies on Dannielynn's eyeballs yet. That's my sexy limit.

It stops being sexy at flies on eyes. Okay, maybe that's too soon. It stops being sexy at fly larvae on eyes

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