Friday, April 22, 2011

Actor Jeong Distressed Over Lover's Divorce

As news of 90s Kpop icon Seo Tai-ji, 39, and 34-year-old actress Lee Ji-ah's divorce has been causing a stir, many have turned their attention to actor Jeong Woo-seong, Lee's current boyfriend.

Jeong, 38, released a statement saying that he had not known about her marriage or of her divorce with the singer.

It's been only a couple of months since he had confirmed dating his "ATHENA" co-star.

"I was just on the phone with Jeong and he said that this is the first time that he has heard about any of this", said Kim In-hyuk, the head of the actor's agency Taurus Film, in a recent phone call with Sports Chosun.

Kim went on to say that while Jeong wished that none of this were true, he also wanted the truth to finally come out.

"If he had known of these events before, why would he have started a relationship with Lee?" he added. "I also hope that it's just a rumor but if it is true, then I want the parties involved to reveal whether the divorce suit is real, if they were really married, and if they have children or not".

It has been reported that Jeong and Lee have not been in contact after the news of the 5.5 billion won alimony and division property suit has come to light.

Many are wondering if the two will continue to have a relationship.

"I can't ask if they are going to still see each other to a man who just had his heart broken", Kim said in his final remarks. "This is something that needs to be sorted out after everything has been verified".

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