Monday, April 11, 2011

On diets and back fat

Well, not really a diet but I'm just watching what I eat. Again. Now that the weather is getting warmer (I ran outside again today), I'm looking forward to paddling, and paddling means the dreaded bathing suit. I've been very good about running throughout the winter but some body streamlining needs to be done.

I'm going back to the diet that gives me the best results. I tend to zone out when I eat so first off, I promised myself I'd pay more attention to that. There's nothing more disturbing than being halfway through a bowl of Frosted Flakes and wondering when you actually got up and poured it. The best part of my "diet" is that I eat whatever I want within reason.

When I want a treat I have it but I use the "suggested serving size" printed on the container. For instance, yesterday was movie night and we had chips. The "sss" is 12 nachos so I counted those out and even used the 2 tablespoons of the cheesy salsa that is the serving size for that. The information is on everything with a label (bread, peanut butter, crackers, cheese...) and you sometimes need a scale but it's super easy to do on a longterm basis. I lost 30 pounds doing this a few years ago so I know it works. For now I don't want to lose any weight. I just need to lose some back fat and tone up a bit. With the running, paddling and "diet" I should be in satisfactory bathing suit shape in a couple of months.

Now if only I could find the perfect bathing suit... I'm going to admit to you that in the above triathlon photo I'm wearing the sports bra and running shorts that has become my usual bathing attire for the past few years. Why can't I find an actual 2 piece bathing suit that holds the girls to a point where I can actually be active? I guess I need to learn how to sew.


*** Oops, I forgot to add my awesome of the day (thanks Lisa!)... You know what's awesome? Making up after a stupid, inane argument. Such a great feeling of Awesome. ***

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