Saturday, November 20, 2010

Late Saturday blog

I just can't get used to blogging on the weekend. I got busy all day and completely forgot. I'm on the couch watching Avatar with the family. This is the beauty of an iPod, no? I love technology.

Today was the Santa Claus parade and it was flipping freezing. Whose idea was it to have Christmas in the bloody winter? By the end the only reason we were dancing to the tinny music blasting out of the crappy floats was to keep our toes. I wish the parade was better. There were just too many flatbed trucks with giant speakers blaring Burl Ives and people lamely following along wearing street clothes and Santa hats calling themselves "floats". Really. The funniest was this local falafel restaurant owner, the self proclaimed "Garlic King" dressed in royal robes and playing to the crowd. He even had a Popemobile-like van where he waved to his subjects from when he got cold. At least my hysterical laughing kept me warm for a few minutes.

Anyway, now I'm warming up under my Snuggie, feet toasty under a pile of kids, watching the movie and contemplating a glass of wine. Life is good.


PS: Sorry I can't post pictures or links. I'm doing this from my iPod and I'm not motivated to figure it out. I'll be more linky tomorrow. Promise.

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