Thursday, November 11, 2010

Lest we forget

Today is Remembrance Day. Its a day where we honour our war dead and wounded and NOT a day where we glorify war. People who claim that it is have never been to see one of these ceremonies in person. It's sombre, respectful and loving. The last time I was at the cenotaph in Ottawa I never saw so many people gathered in silence. There were thousands and thousands quietly gathered with heads bowed and tears in their eyes. It was very moving. You see that and you know it's not at all about wanting to shoot badguys but about pride and loyalty and sacrifice.

There's talk around here about making today a statutory holiday which would keep kids home from school. As you all know I'm all about not working but I think today is the wrong day to do that. I don't think a kid at home playing Wii in his pyjamas all day reflects the level of respect today should hold. For instance, MCpl. Elliott is going to the cenotaph with his Cadet Corps, Audrey is playing the flute at her Remembrance Day assembly and Henry had a veteran come in to do a talk about being in the trenches. Kids nowadays would never experience this stuff if they were watching cartoons at 11:00am. Although it is pretty cool to have everything stop for 2 minutes (tv, radio, even people walking in the street), it pales in comparison to being in school learning first hand about how awful and scary war is. And they're the ones who need to know this... they'll be making those decisions in the future.

Scott's dad Jack was in the RCAF. He rarely talked about his experiences in Lancaster bombers in WWII but he won a Distinguished Flying Cross and we're all so very proud of him. The kids never met him but they know what he's done for our country. They see his photograph and know he was a pretty cool guy. And so do we. So thank you, Grandpa Jack. We appreciate what you did for us.


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