Saturday, November 6, 2010


I forgot I committed to doing NaBloPoMo this November which means I have to blog every day instead of just weekdays. So this month, you are all treated to 8 extra blogs for me. You lucky, lucky, lucky peeps.

I'm actually writing this slightly under the influence of alcohol. I've had about 3 glasses of wine and a shot of tequila. I'm functioning just fine but I'm reeeeally sleepy. Scott and I went to a friend's 50th birthday wine and cheese. Interesting note about the party... it was at 2:30 this afternoon. I giggled over the fact that it was so early; actually the snarky words I used included "children's birthday party"; until I realized that it was completely brilliant. We could leave the kids for a few hours without worry, go grocery shopping after (you haven't lived until you've shopped at Costco while tipsy), and still get home in time to fall asleep in front of Saturday Night Live. Brilliant. Of course Scott had to drive Elliott to hockey so he had to stay off the sauce. Oh the sacrifices you make as a parent...

So that was my Saturday blog. One down, seven to go...


In case you are wondering about the photo, it was the funniest one that came up when I googled "NaBloPoMo"...

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